Lasses länkar

Lasses länkar

Kartor, geografi och turistinformation


Free Chemistry Software A site containing links to free chemistry software on the web maintained by Tom Kuppens.
IMRT Measurement and Control Laboratory, ETH, Switzerland

Dator- och prylförsäljare

Dustin, Datorbutiken, Advanced Computer, Sekvencia, Teknik magasinet.

Fotoframkallning på internet

Priser sammanställda 03-12-31
Framkallningsställe pris 10x15 pris 20x30 Leverans
Proprint 2.95 29:- 29:-
Västsvenska fotolaboratoriet
Fujicolor 2.95 39:-

Anti virus

Linux and home network

These are some links to places that have simple firewalls on Linux with and DHCP. I wanted such a system so that I could connect any computer in the house to a switch and the connect it to the internet and surf the web. Out of these I finally selected Coyote linux which was very simple to use.
The first link I looked at was, linux with a firewall on a floppy but this solution did not have DHCP.
Another possibility is the linux router project, LRP.
The final one that I stopped with and currently use is Coyote linux.

LaTeX related links

Some of my friends

Three Ph.D students at ETH are good friends of mine and they have their own homepages, Simon Frei, Peter Spring, and Daniel Brand.

Misc. links

Multimedia Hardware Related Links

Here I have put some links to different hardware and software for entertainment. Some hardware to lookup, ASUS digimatrix.
Lars Eriksson
Last modified: Thu Jun 10 15:57:00 Västeuropa, sommartid 2004