List of files for the 4 large scale examples of the paper "Determining the distance to monotonicity of a biological network: a graph-theoretical approach" The folder contains the 4 original (directed) adjacency matrices, the 4 symmetrized adjacency matrices, and 4 matrices (spin_*) containing a certain number of optimal partial orders (each column is a vector \sigma such that the "gauge transformed" adjacency matrix diag(\sigma)*A_symm*diag(\sigma) has minimal number of negative edges. 4 directed adjacency matrices: - ecoli_directed.txt - EGFR_directed.txt - macrophage_directed.txt - yeast_directed.txt 4 symmetric adjacency matrices - ecoli_symm.txt - EGFR_symm.txt - macrophage_symm.txt - yeast_symm.txt 4 matrices of partial orders - spin_ecoli.txt - spin_macro.txt - spin_EGFR.txt - spin_yeast.txt