Dr Liam Ellis
I am mainly interested in developing and applying Machine Learning and Data Mining algorithms for Computer Vision problems.Projects that I have been involved with:
- Embodied Vehicle Navigation: Autonomous visual robot navigation.
- Moving Object Segmentation: Autonomous segmentation of moving objects in video, with moving camera.
- Adaptive Regression Tracking : Personal project based around parts of my PhD work.
- GARNICS: Gardening with a Cognitive System (FP 7 ICT).
- DIPLECS: Dynamic Interactive Perception-action LEarning in Cognitive Systems (FP 7 ICT). A driver safety oriented project.
- COSPAL: COgnitive Systems using Perception-Action Learning.
L Ellis, N Pugeault, K Ofjall, J Hedborg, R Bowden, and M Felsberg.
Autonomous navigation and sign detector learning.
In Winter Vision Meetings, IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision, 2013.
WoRV2013 at Winter Vision Meetings 2013. [ bib pdf | project ] |
L Ellis and V Zografos.
Online learning for fast segmentation of moving objects.
To appear Proc Asian Conference Computer Vision, LNCS, 2012.
ACCV2012. [ bib pdf | project ] |
Liam Ellis, Nicholas Dowson, Jiri Matas, and Richard Bowden.
Linear regression and adaptive appearance models for fast
simultaneous modelling and tracking.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 95:154-179, 2011. 10.1007/s11263-010-0364-4.
IJCV2011. [ bib | http | preprint | project ] |
L Ellis, M Felsberg, and R Bowden.
Affordance mining: Forming perception through action.
In Proc Asian Comference Computer Vision, LNCS 6492-6495,
volume 4, pages 2620-2633, 2010.
ACCV2010. [ bib | pdf ] |
Vasileios Zografos, Klas Nordberg, and Liam Ellis.
Sparse motion segmentation using multiple six-point consistencies.
In VECTaR workshop (with ACCV), 2010.
VECTaR2010 at ACCV2010 [ bib | pdf ] |
Eng-Jon Ong, Liam Ellis, and Richard Bowden.
Problem solving through imitation.
Image Vision Comput., 27(11):1715-1728, October 2009.
IVC2009. [ bib | DOI | http | preprint ] |
L. Ellis, J.G. Matas, and R. Bowden.
Online learning and partitioning of linear displacement predictors
for tracking.
In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, pages
4.1-4.10. BMVA Press, 2008.
BMVC2008. [ bib | pdf | project ] |
L Ellis and R Bowden.
Linear predictors for fast simultaneous modeling and tracking.
In submitted to Workshop on Non-rigid Registration and Tracking
through Learning, Eleventh IEEE Intl. Conf. Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, 2007.
NRTL2007 at ICCV2007. [ bib | pdf | project ] |
L Ellis and R Bowden.
Learning responses to visual stimuli: A generic approach.
In 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems,
Bielefeld, Germany, 2007.
ICVS2007 [ bib | pdf ] |
L Ellis and R Bowden.
A generalised exemplar approach to modelling perception action
In International Workshop on Semantic Knowledge in Computer
Vision, Tenth IEEE Intl. Conf. Computer Vision, page 1874, Beijing, China,
WoSKCV2005 at ICCV2005 [ bib | pdf ] |
R Bowden, L Ellis, J Kittler, M Shevchenko, and D Windridge.
Unsupervised symbol grounding and cognitive bootstrapping in
cognitive vision.
In Proc. 13th Int. Conference on Image Analysis and Processing,
pages 27-36, September 2005.
CIAP2005 [ bib | pdf ] |
Liam Ellis
liam dot f DOT ellis aT gmail dOt com
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Informationsansvarig: Liam Ellis
Senast uppdaterad: 2012-11-16