Creating a LiU personal certificate and installing it in Thunderbird
This is a short instruction on how to install personal certificates (for signing and encrypting emails) in Thunderbird.
Create the personal certificate
Just follow the instructions from the sysadmins, except for the last point..
- Visit your account manager. Bring a valid proof of identity (e.g. Swedish ID card or passport). The account manager is required to check your proof of identity and is required to reject any documents they are unfamiliar with. LiU-IT's helpdesk can also perform this verification.
- Visit in a newly started web browser. You can also use "private browsing" or "incognito" mode. For assistance with this, contact LiU:s helpdesk. The login process doesn't always work if you use a browser that has been running for a while.
- Type "Linköping" in the box for "identity provider". Select "Linköping University" in the popup menu that appears. Do not select "Linköping University (ADFS)".
- In the portal, select "Premium" as your product. You can leave the rest of the fields alone. Click on "Request Certificate" to create the certificate, and follow the on-screen instructione.
You can download your certificate from the portal. You may need to restart your web browser and log in again. To use the certificate, you need ti import it into your operating system and applications. The process for doing so differs from system to system.
For our new provider, download is automatic and the certificate is already installed in your browser after the above four steps. Copy this to your computer: in Firefox, go to Preferences/Advanced/Certificates, press Show certificates, and use the Backup button under Personal certificates to backup the generated certificate. Choose a secure password for your backup.
In Thunderbird, under account settings for your LiU account, go to Security, press Show certificates, and under Your certificates, press Import. Choose your backed-up certificate, and give the password.
Jan-Åke Larsson
Department of Electrical Engineering
Linköping University
+46(0)13 281468
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Page responsible: Jan-Åke Larsson
Last updated: 2016-10-10