Syed Asad Alam
Particle Filters
Main focus is designing an architecture for implementing particle filters, specially the resampling stage. According to wikipedia, particle filters is a model estimation technique based on simulations. They aim to estimate the sequence of hidden parameters based on the observed data. They are so named because they use particles, which are different weighted samples of the distribution, to perform the approximation.
- Tjänst:
- Assistant Professor
- Adress:
- Institutionen för systemteknik
- Linköpings Universitet
- 581 83 Linköping
- Telefon:
- 013-281357
- Fax:
- 013-139282
- Kontor:
- B-huset, rumsnummer 3D-540
- E-post:
- < >
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Informationsansvarig: Syed Asad Alam
Senast uppdaterad: 2013-04-19