Rickard Karlsson
Rickard Karlsson became PhD in 2005 and Associate Professor (docent) in 2010. The main research topic is on Bayesian and recursive Monte Carlo methods (particle filters) for target tracking and positioning applications. I am currently working on automotive signal processing applications at Nira Dynamics AB and part time as Associate Professor (adjungerad lektor/docent) at the Automatic Control group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping university.
Positioning at Sea without GPS
A collection of media links about part of my Thesis.
Download Thesis

Associate Professor in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Adj. Universitetslektor och docent i reglerteknik)
- Phone:
- +46 13 281000
- Cell Phone:
- +46 13 4919883
- E-mail:
rickard@ isy.liu.se
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:501 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
Informationsansvarig: Rickard Karlsson
Senast uppdaterad: 2012-10-24