Press on our quantum cryptography equipment
- The LiU news item,
- an article in Computer Sweden entitled Kryptot som inte tål tjuvlyssnare,
- the local TV station made a short clip at the opening
- a page in Forskning 3/2011,
- and finally, there was a short news items in ÖstgötaCorrespondenten.
Press on our result on authentication in quantum cryptography
- The paper itself is available at IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory or quant-ph/0611009.
- The initial press release,
- IEEE Spectrum article "Quantum Cryptography Cracked?",
- article "Quantum cryptography broken",
- AFP article Swedish researchers find hole in 'flawless' encryption technology,
- The Register article "Bulletproof quantum crypto dinged by implementation weakness",
- Homeland Security Daily Wire article "Swedish researchers find vulnerability in quantum encryption technology",
- iTnews Australia article "Quantum cryptography not yet perfectly secure, researchers say",
- article "Svenska forskare knäckte 'oknäckbar' kryptering",
- Der Standard article "Forscher knacken Quantenkryptografie",
- a Slashdot news item "Quantum Cryptography Broken, and Fixed",
- an article in Ingeniøren/elektronik: "Matematiker: Sådan bryder vi den hacker-sikre kvante-kryptering",
- a note in Allt om Vetenskap with the title Kvantkryptering knäcks i Linköping,
- and finally, the Brady bunch, rethemed. I don't know who wrote this, but hey, it's fun.
Jan-Åke Larsson
Institutionen för Systemteknik
Linköpings Universitet
+46(0)13 281468
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Informationsansvarig: Jan-Åke Larsson
Senast uppdaterad: 2011-11-10