Göm meny

Curriculum Vitae


2015 - 2020 (expected). PhD in Automatic Control, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Control of Networked Dynamical Systems.
2004 - 2008. MSc in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, Linköping University.
Branch of Studies: Control and Information Systems.

Work Experience

2011 - 2014. Software Product Guardian, Ericsson AB
Responsible for the long term development of the LTE Radio Network Handling software module, with focus on performance, quality and maintainability. The role includes education of cross-functional feature teams, system design and implementation.
2008 - 2011. Development Engineer, Nira Dynamics AB
Development of the indirect tire pressure monitoring system TPI. The work includes signal processing, analysis, feature development, integration and testing. Among other things, I was responsible for configuration of TPI in Audi A6 and A7.
2007 - 2008. Teacher in Automatic Control, Linköping University
Teacher in the basic courses of Automatic Control and Matlab programming.
2007 - 2008. Product Developer, Innovativ Vision AB
During the summer 2007 and in January 2008 I was developing methods for strength estimation of wooden boards.


Swedish - Native proficiency
English - Full professional proficiency


References are available on request.
Gustav Lindmark

PhD Student in Automatic Control

(Swedish: Doktorand i reglerteknik)

+46 13 284678
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping
Visiting Address:
Campus Valla
Building B
Room 2A:523

Informationsansvarig: Gustav Lindmark
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-02-26