Technical Demonstrators
As a part of my research activities I have in collaboration with my colleagues developed several complex technical demonstrators, experimental platforms, and products.Lyra platform
I have in collaboration with SafeLine Sweden AB, conducting research on sensor near signal processing methods for non-invasive condition and fault monitoring of elevators. The research has resulted in a smart sensor node called Lyra, manufactured and sold by SafeLine. The sensor node is characterized by non-intrusive sensing via accelerometers and magnetometers; embedded data processing and storage; and wireless connectivity. This has enabled the construction of a truly "plug-and-play" node that can provide high-level elevator condition information. An overview of the signal processing within Lyra can be found in the paper:
The OpenShoe platform
As a part of the Indo-Swedish Vinnova-DST project “System för positionering och navigering på kort håll”, I and my colleague J.O Nilsson spent 5 months at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 2011. There we developed the first version of the OpenShoe experimental platform for research on foot mounted inertial navigation. The work was documented in the paper Foot-mounted INS for everybody-an open-source embedded implementation. This was also the start of the OpenShoe project and homepage, where all the information need to reproduce the OpenShoe platform was published open-source. Over the years several new version of the OpenShoe platform have been developed and the platform is now also retailed by GT Silicon Pvt Ltd, India, which has sold +400 units to researcher around the world.
The Tactical Locator (TOR)
With the OpenShoe platform as a stepping stone, in 2012, my colleagues and I set out to build the Tactical Locator (TOR) indoor navigation system and demonstrate the possibility to do infrastructure-free tracking of first responders (That is, the first-responders are tracked without any pre-installed infrastructure like radio beacons, Wi-Fi, etc.). The construction of TOR reached it final phase during 2013, and by the end of 2013 we could do the first full scale tests with fire fighters. Thereby, we became, if not the first, one of the first in the world to demonstrate the possibility to do infrastructure-free navigation and tracking of first responders under realistic conditions and with fully equipped fire fighters. The TOR system received the best demonstrator award at the 2014 IEEE Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation conference. The design of the TOR system is described in Cooperative localization by dual foot-mounted inertial sensors and inter-agent ranging
IF SafeDrive
In parallel with my research activities I co-founded the spin-off company Movelo AB to implement and release the Moving Vehicle Logger (MOVELO) campaign, in 2011. The MOVELO campaign was initiated to deploy a sustainable large-scale smartphone-based measurement system for road traffic probing. To make the campaign sustainable it was combined with a commercial usage-based insurance pilot sponsored by the Swedish insurer IF Skadeförsäkringar. The research conducted at Movelo AB and within the MOVELO campaign has resulted in publications- Insurance Telematics: Opportunities and Challenges with the Smartphone Solution
- Smartphone-Based Measurement Systems for Road Vehicle Traffic Monitoring and Usage-Based Insurance

Associate Professor in Automatic Control,
Docent in Signal Processing
(Swedish: Universitetslektor i reglerteknik)
- Phone:
- +46 708186805
- E-mail:
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:526
Informationsansvarig: Isaac Skog
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-10-24