Lennart Ljung, Publication list
- B-01
T Glad and L Ljung: Reglerteknik - Grundläggande
teori, Studentlitteratur, Lund 1981.
ISBN 91-44-17891-3, 200 pages. , ISBN 91-44-17892-1, 250 pages, Second edition 1989.
- B-02
L Ljung: Reglerteori - Moderna Analys-
och Syntesmetoder, Studentlitteratur, ISBN 91-44-17901-4, 279 pages, Lund 1981.
- B-03
L Ljung and T Söderström: Theory and Practice of
Recursive Identification, MIT Press. Cambridge,
Mass. ISBN 0-262-12095- X, 529 pages, 1983.
- B-04
L Ljung: System Identification - Theory for the User, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J, 1987 ISBN 0-13-881640, 519 pages.
Chinese translation: East China Normal University Press, Shanghai, 1990.
Russian translation: Nauka, Moscow, 1991.
- B-05
L. Ljung and T. Glad: Modellbygge och Simulering,
Studentlitteratur, Lund, 378 pages, ISBN 91-44-31871-5, 1991.
- B-06
L. Ljung, G. Pflug and H. Walk: Stochastic Approximation
and Optimization of Random Systems, Birkhäuser, Berlin,
113 pages ISBN 3-7643-2733-2, 1992.
- B-07
L. Ljung and T. Glad Modeling of Dynamic System,
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 361 pages, ISBN
0-13-597097-0, 1994.
- B-08
P. Lindskog, T.Glad and L.Ljung Modellbygge och
simulering; Övningsbok, Studentlitteratur, Lund, ISBN
91-44-00537-7, 233 pages, 1997.
- B-09
T. Glad and L. Ljung:Reglerteori. Flervariabla och
olinjära metoder, Studentlitteratur, Lund, ISBN
91-44-00472-9, 512 pages, 1997. 2:a upplagan 2003
- B-10
L Ljung: System
Identification - Theory for the User, 2nd Edition,
Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, N J, 1999 ISBN
0-13-656695-2, 607 pages. Chinese edition 2002.
- B-11
T.Glad and L Ljung: Control Theory: Multivariable and
Nonlinear Methods,
Taylor & Francis, London, 2000, ISBN 0-7484-0878-9, 467 pages.
- B-12
F. Gustafsson, L. Ljung and M. Millnert: Signalbehandling,
Studentlitteratur, Lund 2001, ISBN 91-44-01709-X, 455 pages.
- B-13
L. Ljung and T. Glad: Modellbygge och
Simulering, 2nd edition,
Studentlitteratur, Lund, 422 pages, ISBN 91-44-02443-6, 2004.
- M-01
L. Ljung: System Identification
Toolbox - for use with MATLAB, User's Guide.The
Mathworks, Inc. Sherborn, Mass ,1988, 98 pages.
3rd edition, 1991, 204 pages, 4th edition 1995, 249 pages, 5th
edition 2000, 350 pages.
Journal Papers
- JP-01
L Ljung: Comments on A Stochastic approximation method: IEEE Trans.. Vol SMS-2 No 5, pp 680-691, November 1972.
- JP-02
L Ljung: Asimptoticheskiye dispersii algoritmov
stochasstichskoy approksimatssi. (In
Russian). Automatika i Telemekhanika, No 9, September 1974, pp 178-182. English translation: Asymptotic Dispersion of Stochastic Approximation Algorithms. In Automation and
Remote Control, pp 1532-1536, February 1975.
- JP-03
L Ljung, I Gustavsson and T Söderström:
Identification of linear, multivariable
systems operating under linear feedback control. IEEE
Trans. Automatic Control . Vol AC-19, No 6, pp
836-840, December 1974.
- JP-04
J Casti and L Ljung: Some new analytic and computational results for operator Riccati equations. SIAM J Control, Vol 13, No 4, July 1975, pp 817- 826.
- JP-05
B Hagberg, N-H Schoon, L Ljung and K Mårtensson: Kinetic aspects of the acid sulfite cooking process. Part 4: Optimal control for maximizing the pulp yield. Svensk Papperstidning, Vol 78, No 2, pp 56-60, 1975.
- JP-06
- T Söderström, I Gustavsson and L Ljung:
Identifiability conditions for linear systems operating in closed
loop, Int. J. Control, Vol 21, No 2, pp 234-255,
February 1975.
- JP-07
L Ljung and S Lindahl: Convergence properties of a method for
state estimation in power
systems. Int. J. Control, Vol 22 No 1, pp 113-118, July 1975.
- JP-08
L Ljung, T Söderström and I Gustavsson: Counterexamples to general convergence of a commonly used recursive identification method, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, AC-20, No 5, pp 643-652, October 1975.
- JP-09
L Ljung, T Kailath and B Friedlander: Scattering theory and
linear least squares estimation, Part I: Continuous time problems.
Proc IEEE Vol 64, No 1,, pp 131-139, January 1976.
- JP-10
B Friedlander, T Kailath and L Ljung: Scattering theory and linear
least squares estimation, Part II Discrete time problems,
J Franklin Inst, Vol 301, No 1, pp 71-82, January 1976.
- JP-11
L Ljung and T Kailath: A unified approach to smoothing formulas, Automatica, Vol 12, No 2, pp 147-157, March 1976.
- JP-12
T Kailath and L Ljung: The Asymptotic behavior of constant
coefficient Riccati differential equations. IEEE
Trans, Vol AC-21, No 3 pp 385-388, June 1976.
- JP-13
L Ljung and and T Kailath: Backwards Markovian models for second- order stochastic processes, IEEE Trans.IT, IT-22, No 4, pp 488-491, July 1976.
- JP-14
L Ljung: Consistency of the least squares identification method, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol AC-21, No 5, pp 779-781, October 1976.
- JP-15
L Ljung: On consistency and identifiability, Mathematical programming study No 5, (North-Holland Publishing Co), pp 169-190, 1976.
- JP-16
L Ljung: On the consistency of prediction error identification methods. In System Identification, Advances and Case Studies
(R K Meher and D G Lainiotis, Eds) Academic Press, NY,
pp 121-164, 1976.
- JP-17
- T Söderström, L Ljung and I Gustavsson:
Identifiability conditions for linear multivariable systems
operating under feedback. IEEE AC Trans. Vol AC-21,
No 6, pp 837-840, December 1976.
- JP-18
I Gustavsson, L Ljung and T Söderström: Identification
of processes in Closed loop - Identifiability and accuracy aspects.
Automatica, Vol 13, No 1, January 1977, pp 59-75.
- JP-19
L Ljung and T Kailath: Efficient change of initial conditions, dual Chandrasekhar equations, and some applications. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. Vol AC-22, No 3, pp 443-447, June 1977.
- JP-20
L Ljung: Analysis of recursive, stochastic algorithms. IEEE Trans. AC Vol AC-22, No 4, pp 551-575, August 1977.
- JP-21
L Ljung: On positive real transfer functions and the
convergence of some recursive schemes. IEEE
Trans. Automatic Control, Vol AC-22 No 4, pp 539-551, August 1977.
- JP-22
K J Åström, U Borisson, L Ljung and B Wittenmark: Theory and applications of self-tuning regulators. Automatica, Vol 13, No 5, pp 457-476, September 1977.
- JP-23
L Ljung, M Morf and D Falconer: Fast calculation of gain matrices for recursive estimation schemes. Int. J Control, Vol 27, No 1, pp 1-19, January 1978.
- JP-24
T Söderström, L Ljung and I Gustavsson: A theoretical analysis of recursive identification methods. Automatica, vol 14, No 3, pp 231-244, May 1978.
- JP-25
L Ljung: Strong convergence of a stochastic approximation algorithm. Annals of Statistics, Vol 6, No 3, pp 680-696, May 1978.
- JP-26
L Ljung: Convergence of an adaptive filter algorithm.
Int. J Control, Vol 27, No 5, pp 673-693, May 1978.
- JP-27
T Kailath, B C Levy, L Ljung and M Morf: Fast time-invariant implementations of Gaussian signal detectors. IEEE Trans.IT, Vol IT- 24, No 4, pp 469-477, July 1978.
- JP-28
B Friedlander, T Kailath M Morf and L Ljung: Extended Levinson and Chandrasekhar equations for general discrete-time linear estimation problems. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol AC-23, No 4, pp 653-659, August 1978.
- JP-29
D D Falconer and L Ljung: Application of fast Kalman estimation to adaptive equalization. IEEE Trans.Comm, Vol COM-26, No 10, October 1978, pp 1439- 1446. Reprinted in Adaptive Signal Processing (L H Sibul, Ed); IEEE Press 1987.
- JP-30
L. Ljung: Convergence analysis of parametric identification methods, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, Vol AC-23, No 5, pp 770-783, October 1978.
- JP-31
T Kailath, L Ljung and M Morf: Generalized Krein-Levinson
equations for efficient calculation of Fredholm resolvents
of non-displacement kernels. In Topics in functional
analysis, Advances in Mathematics Supplementary Studies, Vol 3,
Academic Press, pp 169-184, 1978.
- JP-32
L Ljung: Asymptotic behavior of the extended Kalman filter as a parameter estimator for linear systems. IEEE Trans.on Automatic Control, vol AC-24, pp 3-50, February 1979.
- JP-33
L Ljung and P E Caines: Asymptotic normality of prediction error estimators for approximate models. Stochastics, vol 3, pp 29-46, 1979.
- JP-34
B Levy, T Kailath, L Ljung and M Morf: Fast time-invariant implementations for linear least squares smoothing filters. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control. vol AC-24, No 5, pp 770-774, October 1979.
- JP-35
B Friedlander, M Morf, T Kailath and L Ljung: New inversion formulas for matrices classified in terms of their distance from Toeplitz matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 27, pp 31-60, 1979.
- JP-36
T Kailath, B Levy, L Ljung and M Morf: The factorization and representation of operators in the algebra generated by Toeplitz operators, SIAM J Appl Math, Vol 37, No 3, pp 467-484, 1979.
- JP-37
L Ljung: Comments on nonconvergence of the approximate maximum likelihood identification algorithm, Automatica, Vol 16, pp 219-220, 1980.
- JP-38
L Ljung and K Glover: Frequency domain versus time domain methods in system identification, Automatica, Vol 17, No 1, pp 71-86, 1981.
- JP-39
L Ljung: Analysis of a general recursive prediction error identification algorithm, Automatica, Vol 17, No 1, pp 89-99, 1981.
- JP-40
I Gustavsson, L Ljung and T Söderström: Choice and effect of different feedback configurations. In P Eykhoff (ed): Trends and progress in system identification, pp 367-388, Pergamon Press, Oxford 1981.
- JP-41
S Ljung and L Ljung: Fast numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations with stationary kernels, BIT, 22, pp 54-72, 1982.
- JP-42
L Ljung: Aspects on the system identification problem. Signal Processing, Vol 4, pp 445-456, 1982.
- JP-43
A J M van Overbeek and L Ljung: On-line structure selection for multivariable state space models, Automatica, Vol 18, No 5, pp 529- 543, 1982.
- JP-44
T Kailath and L Ljung: Two filter smoothing formulae by diagonalization of the Hamiltonian equations. Int. J. Control, Vol 36, No 4, pp 663-673, 1982.
- JP-45
T Kailath, L Ljung and M Morf: Recursive input-output and state space solutions for continuous-time linear estimation problems, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol AC-28, pp 897-906, September, 1983.
- JP-46
L Ljung: Analysis of stochastic gradient algorithms for linear
regression problems, IEEE Trans. Information Theory,
Vol IT-30, No 2, pp 151-160, 1984.
- JP-47
Z-D Yuan and L Ljung: Black-box identification of multivariable transfer functions - Asymptotic properties and optimal input design:
Int. J. of Control, Vol 40, No 2, pp 233-256, 1984.
- JP-48
L Ljung and Z-D Yuan: Black-box identification of transfer functions: Asymptotic results for increasing model order and data records,
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol 1, No 4, pp 323-338, 1984.
- JP-49
L Ljung: Modern reglerteori i processindustrin (Advanced process control), Svensk papperstidning, Vol 27, No 12, pp 14-17, 1984.
- JP-50
- B D O Anderson and L Ljung (Eds). Automatica, Vol 20, No 5, Special Issue on Adaptive Control, September 1984.
- JP-51
G Solbrand, A Ahlin and L Ljung: Recursive methods for off-line identification, Int. J. Control,
Vol 41, No 1, PP 177-191, 1985.
- JP-52
L Ljung: Estimation of parameters in dynamical systems in Handbook of Statistics, Vol 5: Time series in the time domain (E J Hannan, P R Krishnaiah and M M Rao Eds): Elsevier Science Publishers, pp 189- 211, 1985.
- JP-53
L Ljung and Z-D Yuan: Asymptotic properties of black-box
identification of transfer
functions. IEEE Trans Automatic Control,
Vol AC-30, pp 514-553, 1985.
- JP-54
S Ljung and L Ljung: Error propagation properties of recursive least squares adaptation algorithms. Automatica, Vol 21, No 2, pp 157-167, 1985. Reprinted in Adaptive Signal processing (L H Sibul, ED) IEEE Press, 1987.
- JP-55
E Trulsson and L Ljung: Adaptive control based on explicit criterion minimization. Automatica, Vol 21, pp 385-399, July 1985.
- JP-56
L Ljung: Asymptotic variance expressions for identified
black-box transfer function models. IEEE
Trans. Automatic Control. Vol AC- 30 pp 834-844,
September 1985.
- JP-57
T Kailath and L Ljung: Explicit strict sense state-space
realization of nonstationary processes. Int. J. Control. Vol 42 No 5 pp 971-988, 1985.
- JP-58
L Ljung: On the estimation of transfer
functions. Automatica, Vol 21 pp 677-696, 1985.
- JP-59
Z-D Yuan and L Ljung: Unprejudiced optimal open loop input design for identification of transfer functions. Automatica, Vol 21 pp
697-708, 1985.
- JP-60
L Ljung: System identification, In Uncertainty and Control (J Ackermann, ed) Lecture notes in control and information sciences, vol 79, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985.
- JP-61
L. Ljung and K J Åström (eds): Identification, adaptive and stochastic control (Proc. 9th IFAC Congress, Budapest, 1984.) IFAC Proceedings Series No 2, 1985.
- JP-62
B Wahlberg and L Ljung: Design variables for bias distribution in transfer function estimation. IEEE Trans.Automatic Control, Vol AC-31, No 2, pp 134-144, 1986.
- JP-63
L. Ljung: Parametric methods for identification of transfer
functions of linear systems. In Advances in Control, Vol XXV, pp 87-118 (C.L. Leondes, Ed) Academic Press, New York, 1987.
- JP-64
L. Ljung: Adaptation using recursive parameter estimation.
Advances in Statistical Signal Processing. Vol
1(V. Poor, ed), Jai Press Inc. pp 287-327, 1987.
- JP-65
L. Ljung Error propagation in adaptation algorithms with poorly exciting signals. Annales des Tilhcommunications, Vol 41, no 5- 6 pp 322-327, 1987.
- JP-66
F. Fnaiech and L. Ljung: Recursive identification of bilinear
systems. Int. J. Control , pp 453-470, November 1986.
- JP-67
M. Gevers and L. Ljung: Optimal experimental designs, with respect to the intended model application. Automatica, pp 543- 553, September 1986.
- JP-68
L. Ljung: Frequency and time domain methods in system identification. Modelling, Identification and Robust Control. (C.I. Byrnes and A. Eds), pp 615-624, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1986.
- JP-69
L. Ljung: The recursive identification problem in control and signal processing applications. Sequential methods in statistics, Banach Center Publication Vol 16, pp 357-365, 1985.
- JP-70
L. Ljung: Adaptive control: Positive - real condition, Systems and control encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 51-54, 1987.
- JP-71
L. Ljung: Adaptive controllers: Convergence analysis, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 55-60, 1987.
- JP-72
L. Ljung: Extended Kalman filter, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 1581, 1987.
- JP-73
L. Ljung: Extended least squares method, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 1581, 1987.
- JP-74
L. Ljung: Generalized least squares method, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 2005, 1987.
- JP-75
L. Ljung: Identification: Asymptotic Theory, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 2235-2239, 1987.
- JP-76
L. Ljung: Identification: Basic problem, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 2239-2245, 1987.
- JP-77
L. Ljung: Identification: Least squares method, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 2278-2284, 1987.
- JP-78
L. Ljung: Identification: Maximum likelihood method, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 2284- 2287, 1987.
- JP-79
L. Ljung: Identification: Recursive method, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 2310-2314, 1987.
- JP-80
L. Ljung: Identification: Time-domain methods, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 2314-2320, 1987.
- JP-81
L. Ljung: Recursive stochastic algorithms: Ordinary differential equation method, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 3991-3994, 1987.
- JP-82
L. Ljung: Stochastic adaptive control algorithms convergence analysis: Ordinary differential equation approach, Systems and Control Encyclopedia (M.G. Singh Ed). Pergamon Press, pp 4602-4603, 1987.
- JP-83
L. Ljung (Ed): Control Theory 1984-1986. A progress report from IFAC's Technical Committee on Theory. Automatica, vol 24, No 4, pp 573-583, 1988.
- JP-84
K. Wang and L. Ljung: A discussion of adaptive stabilization and robust adaptive control, Systems and Control Letters, 12, pp 53-56, 1989.
- JP-85
S. Gunnarsson and L. Ljung: Frequency domain tracking characteristics of adaptive algorithms, IEEE Trans.on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing. Vol ASSP-37, pp 1072-1089, 1989.
- JP-86
L. Ljung and S. Gunnarsson: Adaptation and tracking in system identification- A Survey, Automatica, Vol 26, pp 7-22, 1990.
- JP-87
L. Ljung: Issues in system Identification. IEEE Control
Systems Magazine, Vol 11, No 1, pp 25,
- JP-88
K. Forsman, L. Ljung, M. Millnert and A. Skeppstedt: Merging reasoning
and filtering in a Bayesian framework - some sensitivity and
optimality aspects. Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol 5 No 2 , pp 93-106, 1991.
- JP-89
L. Ljung and P. Priouret: A result of the mean square error
obtained using general tracking algorithms,
Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Proc.. Vol 5, 231-250, 1991.
- JP-90
- H. Hjalmarsson, B. Wahlberg and L. Ljung: Assessing Model Quality from Data, In Proc. IIASA Symp. on Modeling and Control of Uncertain Systems, Sopron, Hungary. Published by Birkhduser, Boston, 1991.
- JP-91
L. Ljung and B Wahlberg: Asymptotic properties of the
least-squares method for estimating transfer
functions and disturbance spectra. Adv. Appl. Prob. Vol 24, pp 412-440, 1992.
- JP-92
L. Ljung A. Skeppstedt and M. Millnert: Construction of composite models from observed data. Int. J. of Control, Vol 55, No 1, pp 141-152, 1992.
- JP-93
L. Ljung and P. Priouret: Remarks on the mean square tracking error
Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol 5, 395-403, 1992.
- JP-94
B. Wahlberg and L. Ljung: Hard frequency-domain model error bounds from least-squares like identification techniques. IEEE Trans.on Automatic Control, AC-37:900-912, 1992.
- JP-95
H. Hjalmarsson and L. Ljung: Estimating model variance in the
case of undermodeling. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC-37 , pp 1004-1008, July 1992.
- JP-96
L. Ljung: An introduction to system identification concepts. in Theory and control of dynamical systems A.E. Andersson , S.I. Anderson and U. Ottoson (Eds). World Scientific, London, pp 120-130, 1992.
- JP-97
L. Ljung: A discussion of model accuracy in system identification.
Int. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol 6, pp 161-171, 1992.
- JP-98
- L. Ljung: O tochnosti modeli v identifikatsi sistem,
Tekhicheskaya Kibernetika, 6:55-64, 1992.
- JP-99
- B. Wahlberg, L. Ljung and T. Söderström: On sampling of
continuous time stochastic processes. Control Theory and Advanced Technology, (1):99-113, 1993.
- JP-100
L. Guo, L. Ljung and P. Priouret: Performance analysis of the
forgetting factor RLS algorithm. Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, pp 525-237, 1993.
- JP-101
L. Ljung: General structure of adaptive algorithms: Adaptation and
tracking. In N. Kalouptsidis and S. Theodoridis, editors,
Adaptive System Identification and Signal Processing Algorithms,
pages 58-83. Prentice Hall Int., 1993
- JP-102
L. Ljung: Identification of linear systems. In D. A. Linkens, editor, CAD
for Control Systems, pages 147-165, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1993.
- JP-103
L. Ljung and T. Glad: On global identifiability of arbitrary
model parameterization, Automatica, 30(2), pp 265-237, February 1994.
- JP-104
L. Ljung: System identification in a MIC perspective. Modelling
Identification and Control, (3): pp 153-160, 1994.
- JP-105
L. Guo and L. Ljung.
Exponential stability of general tracking algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 40:1376-1387, August 1995.
- JP-106
L. Guo and L. Ljung.
Performance analysis of general tracking algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 40:1388-1402, August 1995.
- JP-107
J. Sjöberg, Q. Zhang, L. Ljung, A. Benveniste, B. Delyon, P.-Y. Glorennec,
H. Hjalmarsson, and A. Judisky.
Nonlinear black-box modeling in system identification: a unified
Automatica, 31:1691-1724, December 1995.
- JP-108
A. Juditsky, H. Hjalmarsson, A. Benveniste, B. Delyon, L. Ljung, J. Sjöberg,
and Q. Zhang.
Nonlinear black-box models in system identification: Mathematical
Automatica, 31:1725-1750, December 1995.
- JP-109
J. Sjöberg and L. Ljung.
Overtraining regularization and searching for minimum with
application to neural nets.
Int. J. Control, 62(6):1391-1407, Dec 1995.
- JP-110
L. Ljung.
Building models from frequency domain data.
In K.J. Åström, G.C.Goodwin, and P.R Kumar, editors, Adaptive
Control, Filtering and Signal Processing, volume 74 of The IMA
volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, pp 229-240.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
- JP-111
L. Ljung, J. Sjöberg, and H. Hjalmarsson.
On neural network model structures in system identification.
In S. Bittanti, editor, Proc. from the NATO Advanced Summer
Institute "From Identification to Lear ning", pp 162-195. Springer
Verlag, 1995.
- JP-112
P. Lindskog and L. Ljung.
Tools for semiphysical modelling.
Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal
Processing, 9(6):509-523, 1995.
- JP-113
L. Ljung and T. McKelvey.
Subspace identification from closed loop data.
Signal Processing, 52:209-215, 1996.
- JP-114
T. McKelvey, H. Akçay, and L. Ljung.
Subspace-based identification of infinite-dimensional multivariable
systems from frequency-response data.
Automatica, 32(6):885-902, June 1996.
- JP-115
T. McKelvey, H. Akçay, and L. Ljung.
Subspace-based multivariable system identification from frequency
response data.
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 41(7):960-979, July 1996.
- JP-115
H. Akçay, H. Hjalmarsson and and L. Ljung.
On the choice of norms in system identification.
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 41(9):1367-1372, Sep 1996.
- JP-116
T. McKelvey, T. Abrahamsson, and L. Ljung.
Vibration data analysis for a commercial aircraft.
Automatica, 32(12):1689-1700, 1996.
- JP-117
S. S. Niu, L. Ljung, and Å. Björk.
Decomposition methods for solving least-squares parameter estimation.
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 44(11):2847, 1996.
- JP-118
L. Ljung and L. Guo.
Classical model validation for control design purposes.
Mathematical Modelling of Systems, 3(1):27-42, January 1997.
- JP-119
L. Ljung and L. Guo.
The role of model validation for assessing the size of the unmodeled
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, AC-42 (9):1230-1239, 1997.
- JP-120
L. Guo, L. Ljung, and G.J. Wang.
Necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of LMS.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, AC-42 (6):761-770, 1997.
- JP-121
F. Gustafsson, S. Gunnarsson, and L. Ljung.
Shaping frequency-dependent time resolution when estimating spectral
properties with parametric methods.
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 45(4):1025-1035, 1997.
- JP-122
M. Holmberg, F. Gustafsson, E.G. Hormsten, F. Winquist,
L.E. Nilsson, L. Ljung and I. Lundstrom..
Bacteria classification based on feature extraction from sensor data.
Biotechnology Techniques, 12(4):319-324, Apr 1998.
- JP-123
L. Ljung and U. Forssell.
A alternative motivation for the indirect approach to closed loop
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, AC-44(11):2206-2209, Nov 1999.
- JP-124
U. Forssell and L. Ljung.
Identification of unstable systems using output error and Box-Jenkins
model structures.
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, AC-45(1):137-141, Jan 2000.
- JP-125
U. Forssell and L. Ljung.
Some results on optimal experiment design
Automatica, 36(5): 749-756, May 2000.
- JP-126
P. Lindskog and L. Ljung.
Ensuring monotonic gain characteristic in estimated models by fuzzy
model structures.
Automatica, 36(2): 311-317, Feb 2000.
- JP-127
L. Ljung.
Identification for Control - What is there to learn?
Lecture Notes Conrol and Information, 241: 207-225, 1999.
- JP-128
L. Ljung.
Comments on model validation as set membership identification.
Lecture Notes Conrol and Information, 245: 7-16, 1999.
- JP-129
N. Bergman and L. Ljung and F. Gustafsson.
Terrain navigation using Bayesian statistics.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 19(3):33-40, Jun 1999.
- JP-130
U. Forssell and L. Ljung.
Closed-loop identification revisited.
Automatica, 35(7): 1215-1241, Jul 1999.
- JP-131
L. Ljung.
System Identification.
In Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(J. G. Webster, Ed)
, Vol 21: pages 263-282, 1999.
- JP-132
- L. Xie and Lennart Ljung.
Asymptotic variance expressions for estimated frequency functions.
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, AC-46: pages 1887 - 1899, Dec 2001. - JP-133
- Dietmar Bauer and Lennart Ljung.
Some facts about the choice of the weighting matrices in Larimore type of subspace algoithms.
Automatica Vol 38, No 5, pp 763-774, May 2002. - JP-134
- Lennart Ljung.
Estimating linear time invariant models of non-linear time-varying systems.
European Journal of Control, 7(2-3):203-219, Sept 2001.
Semi-plenary presentation at the European Control Conference, Sept 2001. - JP-135
- M. Gevers, Lennart Ljung, and P Van den Hof.
Asymptotic variance expressions for closed-loop identification.
Automatica, 37(5):781-786, May 2001. - JP-136
- Lennart Ljung.
Recursive least-squares and accelerated convergence in stochastic approximation schemes.
Int. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 15(2):169-178, Mar 2001. - JP-137
- A. S. Poznyak and Lennart Ljung.
On-line identification and adaptive trajectory tracking for nonlinear stochastic continuous time systems using differential neural networks.
Automatica, 37(8):1257-1268, Aug 2001. - JP-138
- Wolfgang Reinelt, A. Garulli, and Lennart Ljung.
Comparing different approaches to model error modeling in robust identification.
Automatica,Vol 38, No 5, pp 787-803, May 2002.
- JP-139
- Fredrik Tjärnström and Lennart Ljung.
Estimating the variance in case of undermodeling using bootstrap.
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol AC-47,No 2, pp 395-398, Feb 2002. - JP-140
- Urban Forssell and Lennart Ljung.
A projection method for closed-loop identification.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-45(11):2101 - 2106, Nov 2000.
- JP-141
- Anders Stenman, Fredrik Gustafsson, D.E. Rivera, Lennart Ljung, and Tomas
On adaptive smoothing of empirical transfer function estimates.
Control Engineering Practice, 8:1309-1315, Nov 2000. - JP-142
- Lennart Ljung.
Prediction Error Methods
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol 21, No 1, pp 11 - 21, Jan 2002. - JP-143
- Lennart Ljung.
Recursive Identification Algorithms
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol 21, No 1, pp 51 - 68, Jan 2002. - JP-144
- A.V. Nazin and Lennart Ljung.
Asymptotically optimal smoothing of averaged LMS estimates for regression parameter tracking. Automatica, 38(9):1287–1293, August 2002. - JP-145
- V. Verdult, Lennart Ljung, and M. Verhaegen.
Identification of composite local linear state space models using a projected gradient search. Int. Journal Control, 75(16/17):1385–1398, 2002. - JP-146
- Fredrik Tjärnström and Lennart Ljung.
L-2 model reduction and variance reduction. Automatica, 38(9):1517–1530, September 2002. - JP-147
- Wolfgang Reinelt and Lennart Ljung.
Robust control of identified models with mixed parametric and non-parametric uncertainties. European Journal of Control, 9:351–358, October 2003. - JP-148
- Fredrik Tjärnström and Lennart Ljung.
Variance properties of a two-step arx estimation procedure. European Journal of Control, 9:400 –408, November 2003. - JP-149
- Lennart Ljung.
Linear system identification as curve fitting. In New Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and Optimization, Spinger Lecture Notes In Control and Information, volume 286, pages 203 – 215. Springer Verlag, December 2003. - JP-150
- L. L. Xie and Lennart Ljung.
Variance expressions for spectra estimated using auto-regression. Journal of Econometrics, 118(1-2):247–256, January 2004. - JP-151
- Jacob Roll, A. Bemporad, and Lennart Ljung.
Identification of piecewise affine systems via mixed-integer programming. Automatica, 40(1):37–50, January 2004. - JP-152
- Torkel Glad, Anders Helmersson, and Lennart Ljung.
Robustness gurantees for linear control designs with an estimated nonlinear model error model. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 14:959 – 970, August 2004. - JP-153
- Lennart Ljung.
Practical issues of system identification. UNESCO encyclopedia EOLSS: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, June 2004. - JP-154
- Ingela Lind and Lennart Ljung.
Regressor selection with the analysis of variance method. Automatica, 41(4):693–700, April 2005. - JP-155
- Martin Enqvist and Lennart Ljung.
Linear approximations of nonlinear FIR systems for separable input processes. Automatica, 41(3):459–473, March 2005. - JP-156
- S. J. Qin, W. Lin, and Lennart Ljung.
A novel subspace identification approach with enforced causal models. Automatica, 41 (12):2043 – 2053, December 2005. - JP-157
- Jacob Roll, A. Nazin, and Lennart Ljung.
Non-linear system identification via direct weight optimization. Automatica, 41(3):475–490, March 2005. - JP-158
- Lennart Ljung.
Frequency domain versus time domain methods in system identification – revisited. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 329:277 – 291, April 2006. - JP-159
- A. Fujimori and Lennart Ljung.
Model identification of linear parameter varying aircraft systems. Proc. Inst. Mechanical Engineers, Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 220(G4):337–346, August 2006. - JP-160
- A. Fujimori and Lennart Ljung.
Parameter estimation of polytopic models for a linear parameter varying aircraft system. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 49 (165):129–136, November 2006. - JP-161
- Markus Gerdin, Thomas Schön, Torkel Glad, Fredrik Gustafsson,
and Lennart Ljung.
On parameter and state estimation for linear differential-algebraic equations. Automatica, 43:416–425, March 2007. - JP-162
- Markus Gerdin, Torkel Glad, and Lennart Ljung.
Global identifiability of complex models, constructed from simple submodels. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, September 2007. - JP-163
- Ingela Lind and Lennart Ljung.
Regressor and structure selection in NARX models using a structured anova approach. Automatica, 44(2):383–395, February 2008. - JP-164
- Anna Hagenblad, Lennart Ljung, and A. Wills.
Maximum likelihood identification of Wiener models. Automatica, 44(11):2697 – 2705, November 2008. - JP-165
- X. L. Hu, Thomas Schön, and Lennart Ljung.
A basic convergence result for particle filtering. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 56(4):1337–1348, April 2008. - JP-166
- Jonas Gillberg and Lennart Ljung.
Frequency domain identification of continuous time ARMA models from sampled data. Automatica, 45(6):1371–1378, June 2009. - JP-167
- J. Wang, Q. Zhang, and Lennart Ljung.
Revisiting hammerstein system identification through the two-stage algorithm for bilinear parameter estimation. Automatica, 45(11):2627–2633, November 2009. - JP-168
- Svante Björklund and Lennart Ljung.
An improved phase method for time-delay estimation. Automatica, 45(10):2467–2470, October 2009. - JP-169
- Jonas Gillberg and Lennart Ljung.
Frequency-domain identification of continuous-time output error models: Part I - uniformly sampled data and frequency-function approximation. Automatica, 46(1):1–10, January 2010. - JP-170
- Jonas Gillberg and Lennart Ljung.
Frequency-domain identification of continuous-time output error models: Part II - non-uniformly sampled data and b-spline output approximation. Automatica, 46(1):11–18, January 2010. - JP-171
- Lennart Ljung and A. Wills.
Issues in sampling and estimating continuous-time models with stochastic disturbances. Automatica, 46:925–931, March 2010. - JP-172
- Lennart Ljung.
Perspectives on system identification. Annual Reviews in Control, 34(1):1–12, March 2010. - JP-173
- Henrik Ohlsson, Lennart Ljung, and S. Boyd.
Segmentation of ARX-models using sum-of-norms regularization. Automatica, 46:1107 – 1111, April 2010. - JP-174
- Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung.
Semi-supervised regression and system identification. In B. Wahlberg X. Hu, U. Jonsson and B.Ghosh, editors, Three Decades of Progress in Systems and Control. Springer Verlag, January 2010. - JP-175
- A. Wills and Lennart Ljung.
Wiener system identification using the maximum likelihood method. In F. Giri and E. W. Bai, editors, Block-Oriented Nonlinear System Identification, number Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science no 404. Springer, September 2010. - JP-176
- Tianshi Chen, Thomas Schön, Henrik Ohlsson, and Lennart Ljung. Decentralized particle filter with arbitrary state decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59(2):465–478, February 2011.
- JP-177
- Xiao-Li Hu, Thomas Schön, and Lennart Ljung.
A general convergence result for particle filtering. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59(7):3424–3429, July 2011. - JP-178
- Christian Lyzell, Torkel Glad, Martin Enqvist, and Lennart Ljung.
Difference algebra and system identification. Automatica, 47(9): 1896-1904, September 2011. - JP-179
- Lennart Ljung, H. Hjalmarsson, and Henrik Ohlsson.
Four encounters with system identification. European Journal of Control, 5-6:449–471, December 2011. - JP-180
- Tianshi Chen, Henrik Ohlsson, and Lennart Ljung.
On the estimation of transfer functions, regulariztions amd Gaussian processes - Revisited. Automatica, 48(8);1525-1535, August 2012. - JP-181
- Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung, and S Boyd.
Smoothed state estimated under abrupt changes using sum-of-norms regularization. Automatica, 484):595-605, March 2012. - JP-182
- Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Weight determination by manifold
In R. Johansson and A. Rantzer, editors, Distributed Decision Making and Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences LNCIS 417, ISBN 978-1-4471-2264-7 (421 pp.), chapter 9, pages 195–214. Springer Verlag,, London, January 2012.Conference Papers
- CP-01
S. Lindahl and L. Ljung: Estimation of power generator dynamics from normal operating data. Proc. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Identification, The Hague, pp-2, pp 367-374, June 1973.
- CP-02
L. Ljung and J Casti: Reduction of the operator Riccati
equation. Proc. Int. Symp. on Control Theory,
Numerical Methods and Computer Systems
Modelling. INRIA, Paris . Lecture notes in
economics and mathematical systems, No 107, Springer Verlag 1975,
pp 384-396, June 1974.
- CP-03
L. Ljung: Convergence of recursive, stochastic algorithms. Proc. IFAC Symposium on Stochastic Control Theory, Budapest, pp 431-437, September 1974.
- CP-04
L. Ljung and B. Wittenmark: Analysis of a class of adaptive regulators: Proc. IFAC Symposium on Stochastic Control Theory, Budapest, pp 431-437, September 1974.
- CP-05
K. Mårtensson and L. Ljung: Optimal control of the sulfite cooking process. Proc. IFAC Symposium on Optimization Techniques, Varna, Bulgaria, October 1974.
- CP-06
L. Ljung: On consistency and
identifiability. Proc. Int. Symp. on
Stochastic Systems, Lexington, Ky. (North Holland) ( =JP-15), June 1975.
- CP-07
T. Kailath and L. Ljung: A scattering theory framework for fast least- squares algorithms. Proc. 4th Int. Symposium on Multivariate Analysis, Dayton, Ohio, June 1975. In P R Krishnaiah (ed) Multivariate analysis- IV, North-Holland Publishing Co, pp 387-406, 1977.
- CP-08
J. Rissanen and L. Ljung: Estimation of optimum structures and
parameters for linear systems. Proc. Symposium Advanced School of
Mathematical System Theory. Udine, Italy, June 1975, Lecture
Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol 131,
Springer Verlag, pp 75-91, 1976.
- CP-09
K. J. Åström, U. Borisson, L. Ljung and
B. Wittenmark: Theory and applications of adaptive
regulators based on recursive parameter
estimation. Proc. 6th IFAC Congres, Boston, paper 50.1, August 1975.
- CP-10
T. Söderström, L. Ljung and I Gustavsson: On the accuracy problem in identification. Proc. 6th IFAC Congress, paper 18.1, Boston, August 1975.
- CP-11
L. Ljung, T. Kailath and B. Friedlander: Scattering theory and
linear least squares estimation, Part I: Continuous time
problems. Proc. 1975 IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Houston, Tex., paper, WA 4-2, pp 57-58, November 1975.
- CP-12
B. Friedlander, T. Kailath and L. Ljung: Scattering theory and
linear least squares estimation, Part II: Discrete time
problems. Proc. 1975 IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Houston, Tex. , paper WA 4-2, pp 57-58, November 1975.
- CP-13
T. Kailath and L. Ljung: A new approach to the solution of linear integral equations with nondisplacement kernels. The SIAM-SIGNUM 1975 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 1975, (Abstract only). SIAM Review, Vol 18, No 4, p 811, October 1976.
- CP-14
T. Kailath and L. Ljung: Asymptotic detection in finite families. International Symposium on Information Theory, Ronneby, Sweden, June 1976. (Abstract only).
- CP-15
M. Morf and L. Ljung: Fast algorithms for recursive identification: International Symposium on Information Theory, Ronneby, Sweden, June 1976 (Abstract only).
- CP-16
P.E. Caines and L. Ljung: Asymptotic normality and accuracy of
prediction error estimators.
Proc. 1976 JACC, Purdue Univ. Indiana, July 1976.
- CP-17
I. Gustavsson, L. Ljung and T. Söderström: Identification of processes in closed loop-identifiability and accuracy aspects. Proc. 4th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation. Tbilisi, USSR, paper S-3 (Invited survey), pp 23-61, September 1976.
- CP-18
L. Ljung and J. Rissanen: on canonical forms, parameter identifiability and the concept of complexity. Proc. 4th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Tbilisi, USSR, paper 19.1, pp 380-388, September 1976.
- CP-19
L. Ljung and B. Wittenmark: On a stabilizing property of adaptive regulators. Proc. 4th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Tbilisi, USSR, paper 19.1, pp 380-388, September 1976.
- CP-20
T. Söderström, L. Ljung and I. Gustavsson: Analysis of some on-line identification methods, Proc. 4th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Tbilisi, USSR, paper 14.7 (not included in preprints), September, 1976.
- CP-21
T. Kailath, l. Ljung and M. Morf: Recursive input-output and
state space solutions for continuous time linear
estimation problems. Proc. 1976 IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, Clearwater, FL, paper WE 5-2, pp
182A-182G, December 1976.
- CP-22
L. Ljung and T. Kailath: Formulas for efficient change of initial
conditions in linear least squares estimation.
Proc. 1976, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Clearwater, FL, paper TA 5-6, pp 640-644, December 1976.
- CP-23
P.E. Caines and L. Ljung: Prediction error estimators: Asymptotic normality and accuracy. Proc. 1976 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Clearwater, FL, paper TA 5-7, pp 652-658, December 1976.
- CP-24
B. Friedlander, M. Morf, T. Kailath and L. Ljung: Levinson and
Chandrasekhar-type equations for a general discrete-time linear
estimation problem. Proc. 1976 IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Clearwater, FL. , paper TP 6-8, pp 910-915, December 1976.
- CP-25
M. Morf, L. Ljung and T. Kailath: Fast algorithms for recursive identification. Proc. 1976 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Clearwater, FL, paper TP 7-1, pp 916-921, December 1976.
- CP-26
L. Ljung: Determination of the internal structure of multivariate time series from data.Symposium on Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, Linköping University, Sweden (Abstract only), January 1977.
- CP-27
L. Ljung: Convergence analysis of recursive, stochastic algorithms. Analyse et Control de Systhmes, Siminairs IRIA, pp 127-132, 1977.
- CP-28
L. Ljung: Basic ideas in recursive identification. Journees d'Automatique, IRISA, Rennes, France. Published in IRISA Publication Interne no 92, pp 36-49, September 1977.
- CP-29
L. Ljung: Adaptive control based on recursive identification. Siminaire d'Automatique de l'Universithde Rennes, 1977, pp 50-54, Journees d'Automatique de Rennes, IRISA, Rennes, France. Published in IRISA Publication Interne no 92, September 1977.
- CP-30
D.D. Falconer and L. Ljung: Application of fast Kalman
estimation to adaptive equalization. 1977 IEEE
International Symposium on Information
Theory, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. pp 38-39. (Abstract
only), 1977.
- CP-31
L. Ljung and A.J.M. van Overbeek: Validation of approximate models obtained from prediction error identification . 7th IFAC Congress, Helsinki, paper 45 A.3, pp 1899-1906, June 1978.
- CP-32
L. Ljung and I. D. Landau: Model reference adaptive systems and self- tuning regulators - some connections. 7th IFAC Congress, Helsinki, paper 46 A.2 pp 1973-1980, June 1978.
- CP-33
L. Ljung: Asymptotic theory of prediction error estimators for dynamical systems. 1st AFCET/SMF Meeting, Palsiseau, France, pp 155-166, September 1978.
- CP-34
L. Ljung: Some basic ideas in recursive identification. Conference on the Analysis and Optimization of Stochastic System. Oxford, England, September 1978.
- CP-35
L. Ljung: Prediction error identification methods. French- Swedish Colloquium on Applied Mathematics, Stockholm, p 27 (Abstract only), October 1978.
- CP-36
L. Ljung and P.E. Caines: Asymptotic normality of prediction error estimators for approximate system models.Proceedings 1978 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, paper no FA 6-2, January 1979.
- CP-37
B. Levy, T. Kailath, M. Morf and L. Ljung: Fast timeinvariant implementations for linear least squares smoothing filters. Proceedings 1978 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, Paper no FP 6-1, January 1979.
- CP-38
L. Ljung: Asymptotic theory of prediction error estimation methods. Int. Time Series Meeting (ITSM) 1979, Nottingham, March 1979. Published in Time Series (O D Anderson, Ed), North-Holland, pp 157-166, 1980.
- CP-39
L. Ljung: Fast algorithms for recursive estimation and identification. International Conference on Numerical Techniques for Stochastic Systems, Gargnano, Italy, September 1979. Published in Numerical Techniques for Stochastic Systems (F. Archetti, M Cugiani, Eds), North Holland, pp 43-48, 1980.
- CP-40
A J M van Overbeek and L Ljung: On-line structure selection for multivariable and system parameter estimation,Fifth IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Darmstadt, paper M4:1, pp 387-396, September 1979.
- CP-41
L. Ljung: Convergence of recursive estimators, Fifth IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Darmstadt, Survey paper S8, pp 131-144, September 1979.
- CP-42
L. Ljung and K. Glover: Frequency domain versus time domain methods in system identification - A brief discussion, Fifth IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Darmstadt, discussion paper, pp 1309-1322, September 1979.
- CP-43
L. Ljung: Recursive identification. In Stochastic Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications. (Eds M Hazewinkel and J C Willems). Proceedings of the NATO Advance Study Institute, Les Arcs, Savioe, France, pp 247-282, June-July 1980.
- CP-44
L. Ljung: The ODE approach to the analysis of adaptive control systems - possibilities and limitations. Proceedings of the Joint Automatic Control Conference, San Francisco, paper WA 2-C, August 13-15, 1980.
- CP-45
L. Ljung: Asymptotic gain and search direction for recursive identification algorithms. Proc. of the IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp 981-985, December 10-12, 1980.
- CP-46
D M Wiberg and L Ljung: Gaussian-Optimal on line parameter estimation, Proc. of the IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp 681-683, December 10-12 1980.
- CP-47
L. Ljung: On the positive-real condition in adaptive control,
Proc. of the International Workshop in Applications of Adaptive Control, Yale University, Conn. May 1981.
- CP-48
L. Ljung and E Trulsson: Adaptive control based on explicit criterion minimization. Proc. of the 8th IFAC World Congress, Japan, Vol VII pp 1-6, paper 31.1, August 1981.
- CP-49
L. Ljung: system identification. Proc. of the Arab School on Science and Technology, Bloudan, Syria, September 1981.
- CP-50
L. Ljung: The system identification problem., 4th Aacener
Kolloquim, RWTH, Aachen, West Germany, pp 229-232
(Abstract only), 1981.
- CP-51
B Friedlander, L. Ljung and M. Morf: Lattice implementation of the recursive maximum likelihood algorithm. Proc. 20th IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA, December 1981.
- CP-52
P Andersson and L. Ljung: A test case for adaptive control - Car steering, Proc. of the IFAC Symposium on Theory and Applications of Digital Control, New Delhi, India, pp 22:1-5, January 1982.
- CP-53
L. Ljung: An overview of the system identification
problem. Proc. of the IIISC-ISRO Seminar on Large
Scale Systems and Signal Processing , Bangalore,
India. (Abstract only), January 1982.
- CP-54
L. Ljung: Recursive identification techniques. Proc. ICASSP-82, Paris, France, pp 627-630, May 1982.
- CP-55
L. Ljung: Recursive identification techniques. Proc. Conference on Mathematical learning models-theory and algorithms, Bad Honnef, BRD, May 1982.
- CP-56
L. Ljung: Systems, Models and System Identification. Proc. Int. Symp on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS, Rome, Italy, pp 907-910, May 1982.
- CP-57
L. Ljung: An overview of the system identification problem; Introduction. Proc. of the IFAC Symp on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Washington, D C p 1, June 1982.
- CP-58
L. Ljung: Identification methods. Proc. of the 6th IFAC Symp on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Washington, D C, p.1 June 1982.
- CP-59
L. Ljung: Model Validation, Proc. of the 6th IFAC Symp. on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Washington, D C, pp 26-28, June 1982.
- CP-60
L. Ljung: Recursive identification methods for off-line identification problems, Proc. of the 6th IFAC Symp on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Washington, D C, pp 475-480, June 1982.
- CP-61
E. Trulsson and L. Ljung: Direct minimization methods for adaptive control of non-minimum phase system. Proc. of the 6th IFAC Symp on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Washington, D C, pp 549-553, June 1982.
- CP-62
E. Trulsson and L. Ljung: Adaptive minimization of control performance criteria. prep Colloque national, Divelopment et utilisation d'outils et Modhles Mathimatiques en Automatique, Analyse des Systhms et Traiment du Signal, p 277, Bell-Ile, France, September 1982.
- CP-63
Z. D. Yuan end L. Ljung: Optimal input design by frequency domain criteria. Proc. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp 1005- 1006, Orlando, FL, December 1982.
- CP-64
C.R. Johnson and L. Ljung: On possible convergence points for reduced order indirect adaptive pole placement. Proc. 17th Conf on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, pp 108-113, March 1983.
- CP-65
T. Söderström and L. Ljung: User choices for recursive identification methods. Proc. IAESTED Conf on Applied Control and Identification, ACI '83, Lyngby, Denmark, paper 24-14, June 1983.
- CP-66
L. Ljung: Recursive identification of stochastic dynamical systems, Bulletin of the international statistical institute, Proc. of the 44th Session, Madrid, Spain, pp 1284-1297, September 1983.
- CP-67
L. Ljung: Advanced process control. Symposium on pulp and paper mill-wide control, ASEA, Västerås, Sweden, November 1983.
- CP-68
L. Ljung and Z.D. Yuan: Properties of non-parametric
time-domain methods for estimating transfer
functions. 22nd IEEE Conf on Decision and Control,
San Antonio, TX, pp 323-324, December 1983.
- CP-69
L. Ljung: Performance evaluation of models,identified by the least squares method. Proc. 6th Int. Conf on Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Nice, June 1984, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Systems (A. Bensoussan, J.L. Lions, Eds) Springer, pp 421-435, 1984.
- CP-70
S. Ljung and L. Ljung: Error propagation properties of recursive least squares adaptation algorithms. Proc. 9th IFAC World Congress, Budapest, pp X-70-74, July 1984.
- CP-71
T. Glad and L. Ljung: Velocity estimation from irregular, noisy position measurements. Proc. 9th IFAC World Congress, Budapest, pp VII-275-279, July 1984.
- CP-72
L. Ljung: Bias distribution in transfer function estimation, NSF-STU Workshop on Adaptive Control, Lund, July 1984 (Abstract only).
- CP-73
L. Ljung: Modern system identification, URSI XXIst General Assembly, paper B4-2, Florence, September 1984 (Abstract only).
- CP-74
L. Ljung: Frequency domain properties of identified transfer functions, 4th IMA Int. Conf on Control Theory, Cambridge, UK, September 1984.
- CP-75
L. Ljung: Asymptotic variance expressions for identified black-box transfer function models. 23rd IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, pp 951-958, December 1984.
- CP-76
B. Wahlberg and L. Ljung: Design variables for bias distribution in transfer function estimation. 23rd IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, pp 335-341, December 1984.
- CP-77
L. Ljung: Error propagation in adaptation algorithms with poorly exciting signals. Workshop on Quantization and Adaptation, Nice, France, May 1985.
- CP-78
F. Fnaiech and L. Ljung: On the identification and adaptive control of bilinear systems. Proc. JTEA 85, 6eme Journies Tunisiennes d ' Electrotechnique et d'Automatique, paper 19 Tunis, May 1985.
- CP-79
L. Ljung: On the estimation of transfer functions. Proc. 7th IFAC Symp on Identification and Systems Parameter Estimation, York,
pp 1653-1658, July 1985.
- CP-80
L. Ljung: Asymptotic variance of transfer function estimates obtained by the instrumental variable method. Proc. 7th IFAC Symp on identification and System Parameter Estimation, York, pp 1341-1344, July 1985.
- CP-81
M. Gevers and L. Ljung: Benefits of feedback in experiment design. Proc. 7th IFAC Symp on Identification and System Parameter Estimation,York, 1021-1024, July 1985.
- CP-82
E. Trulsson and L. Ljung: On Self-robustification of adaptive control performance criteria. Proc. 7th IFAC Symp on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, York, July 1985.
- CP-83
L. Ljung: Recursive techniques for identifying dynamic systems. In on- line process simulation techniques in industrial control (E.J. Kompass and T J Williams, eds). Proc. of the 11th Annual Advanced Control Conference, Purdue University, September 1985.
- CP-84
L. Ljung: System Identification: An expository
survey. Proc. 23rd Annual Allerton Conference on
Communication, control and Computing.
Allerton, IL, pp 204-216, October 1985.
- CP-85
E. Trulsson and L. Ljung: Stability in adaptive control by persistently exciting regulators. Proc. 24th IEEE Conf on Decision and Control. Ft Lauderdale, FL, pp 484-491, December 1985.
- CP-86
L. Ljung: A non-probabilistic framework for signal spectra. Proc. 24th IEEE Conf on Decision and Control. Ft Lauderdale, FL, pp 484-491, December 1985.
- CP-87
L. Ljung: Building models for a specified purpose using system identification. Proc. IFAC Symp on Simulation of Control Systems, Vienna, Austria, pp 3-7, September 1986.
- CP-88
L. Ljung: System identification, model simplification and the
design objective, Proc. 25th CDC, Athens, Greece, December 10-12, 1986.
- CP-89
L. Ljung: Design issues in system identification. Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop om Modelling, Robustness and Sensitivity Reduction in Control Systems, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1987.
- CP-90
L. Ljung: Identification theory and single realization
behavior, Proc. 25th CDC, Athens, Greece, December 10-12, 1986.
- CP-91
L. Ljung: Recursive techniques for identifying dynamic
systems. Prep. Workshop on Automatic Control and Signal Processing, EMI, Rabat, Morocco, 1987.
- CP-92
L. Ljung: Identification. An expository
survey. Prep. Workshop on Automatic control and Signal
Processing, EMI, , Rabat, Morocco, 1987.
- CP-93
L. Ljung: Signals, noises and model errors. Proc. Conference on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. (MTNS-87), Phoenix, Arizona, 1987.
- CP-94
L. Ljung: On the estimation of transfer functions. Proc. 10th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Munich, Germany, July 1987.
- CP-95
S.K. Mitter, J.M. Moura and L. Ljung: Optimal recursive maximum likelihood estimation. Proc. 10th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Munich, Germany, Vol 9, pp 247-248, July 1987.
- CP-96
L. Ljung: Adaptation and tracking in identification. Proc. AFSR Meeting on Signal Processing, Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 15, 1987.
- CP-97
L. Ljung: System Identification - a status report. Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control '88, Heijen, Holland, March 3, 1988. (abstract only).
- CP-98
L. Ljung: Adaptation and tracking in dynamical systems. Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control '88, Heijen, Holland, March 3, 1988.
(abstract only).
- CP-99
L. Ljung: Modelling and identification for simulation. IMACS'88 World Congress, Paris, pp 171-178, July 17-23, 1988.
- CP-100
L. Ljung: Adaptation and tracking in system identification.
8th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter
Estimation, Beijing (Plenary Paper), pp 1-10, August, 1988.
- CP-101
L. Ljung: System identification in a noise-free environment,
IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Control and Adaptive Signal Processing, ICASSP'89, Glasgow. (Plenary paper), pp 29-38, April 1989.
- CP-102
B. Ottersten and L. Ljung: Asymptotic results for sensor array
processing. Proc. IFAC Symposium on Adaptive
Control and Adaptive Signal Processing, ICASSP'89, Glasgow, UK, pp 2266-2269, May 1989.
- CP-103
S. Gunnarsson and L. Ljung: Frequency domain description of
the tracking capability and disturbance
rejection trade-off in recursive
identification. Proc. IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Control and Adaptive Signal Processing, ICASP'89 , Glasgow, UK, pp 2077-2080, May 1989.
- CP-104
K. Forsman, L. Ljung, M. Millnert and A. Skeppstedt: Merging "reasoning" and filtering in a Bayesian framework - some sensitivity and optimality aspects. 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, pp 427-1429, December 1989.
- CP-105
L. Ljung: An estimate of the tracking ability of adaptive algorithms. 28th IEEE Conference and Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, pp 1392-1394, December 1989.
- CP-106
P.A. Nagy and L. Ljung: An intelligent tool for system
identification. CACSD '89, IEEE Workshop on Computer-aided Control System Design, Tampa, FL, pp 58-63, 1989.
- CP-107
L. Ljung: Choices of prefilters and forgetting factors in noise-free identification. 1989 Automatic Control Conference. Pittsburgh, June 1989.
- CP-108
H. Hjalmarsson and L. Ljung: How to estimate model uncertainty in the case of under-modelling. 1990 American Control Conference, San Diego, pp 323-324, May 1990.
- CP-109
L. Ljung and B. Wahlberg: Influence of model order on change detection in noise-free, complex system. American Control Conference, San Diego, pp 2388-2393, May 1990.
- CP-110
S.T. Glad and L. Ljung: Parameterization of nonlinear model structures as linear regressions. 11th IFAC Congress, Tallinn, Estonia, Vol 8, pp 74-79, 1990.
- CP-111
S.T. Glad and L. Ljung: Model structure identifiability and persistence of excitation, 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, 1990.
- CP-112
L. Ljung: Model accuracy in system identification. IFAC Symposium on Int.elligent Tuning and Adaptive Control, ITAC 91, (Plenary Paper) Singapore, 1991.
- CP-113
L. Ljung: An exact formula for the tracking ability of adaptive algorithms: Implications for the general case. pp 208-212, Budapest, Hungary. Preprints 9th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on System Identification and System Parameter Estimation, July 1991.
- CP-114
K. Forsman and L. Ljung: On the dead-zone in system identification. pp 1410-1414, Budapest, Hungary, Preprints IFAC/IFORS Symposium on System Identification and System Parameter Estimation, July 1991.
- CP-115
P. A. J Nagy and l. Ljung. Computer-aided model structure selection. pp 918-923 Budapest, Hungary. Preprints IFAC/IFORS Symposium on System Identification and System Parameter Estimation, July 1991.
- CP-116
L. Ljung: Identifying state-space models with Mathwork's
system identification toolbox. pp 1582-1584, Budapest,
Hungary. Preprints IFAC/IFORS Symposium on System
Identification and System Parameter Estimation , July 1991.
- CP-117
L. Ljung and T. Glad: Testing global identifiability for arbitrary model parameterizations. pp 1077-1082. Budapest, Hungary. Preprints IFAC/IFORS Symposium on System Identification and System Parameter Estimation, July 1991.
- CP-118
L. Ljung and B. Wahlberg and T. Söderström: On sampling and reconstruction of continuous time stochastic systems. pp. 1174-1178, Budapest, Hungary. Preprints IFAC/IFORS Symposium on System Identification and System Parameter Estimation, July 1991.
- CP-129
P. A. J Nagy and L. Ljung: Estimating time-delays via state-space identification methods. pp 1114-1144, Budapest, Hungary. Preprints 9th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on System Identification and System Parameter Estimation, July 1991.
- CP-120
B. Wahlberg and L. Ljung: On the estimation of transfer
function error bounds, In Proc. European Control Conference, pp
1378-1180, Grenoble, France, 1991.
- CP-121
L. Ljung: Optimal and ad hoc adaptation mechanisms. Grenoble, France. Proc. European Control Conference, July 1991.
- CP-122
F. Gustafsson, J.E. Strömberg and L. Ljung: Trees as black-box model structures for dynamical systems. Grenoble, France. Proc. European Control Conference, July 1991.
- CP-123
P.A.J. Nagy and L. Ljung: System identification using bond graphs. Grenoble, France. Proc. European Control Conference, July 1991.
- CP-124
L. Ljung: A (simple) perspective on adaptation algorithms. In
Proc. Workshop on Stochastic Theory - Adaptive Control, Lawrence, KA,
USA, September 1991.
- CP-125
L. Ljung: A simple start-up procedure for canonical form state space identification, based on subspace approximation. Brighton, England. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1991.
- CP-126
B. Wahlberg, M. Viberg, B. Ottersten and L. Ljung: A statistical perspective on state-space modelling using subspace methods. Brighton, England. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1991.
- CP-127
B. Wahlberg, L. Ljung and H. Hjalmarsson: Model quality: The role of prior knowledge and data information. Brighton, England. 30th CDC IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1991.
- CP-128
L. Ljung, A. Isaksson and J. E. Strömberg: On recursive construction of trees as models of dynamical systems. Brighton, England. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1991.
- CP-129
J. Sjöberg and L. Ljung: Overtraining, regularization and
searching for minimum in neural networks. In 4th IFAC
Int. Symp. on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, ACASP/92, pp
669-674, Grenoble, France, July 1992.
- CP-130
P.A. J. Nagy and L. Ljung: System identification using
bond-graphs. In Proc. IFAC Symp. on Adaptive Systems in
Control and Signal Processing. pp 415-420, Grenoble, France, July 1992.
- CP-131
B. Egardt, C.R. Johnson, L. Ljung and G.A. Williamson:
Adaptive system performance in the frequency domain. In
4th IFAC Int. Symp. on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, ACASP/92, pp
33-40, Grenoble, France, July 1992.
- CP-132
L. Ljung and J. Sjöberg: A comment on ``leakage'' in
adaptive algorithms. In 4th IFAC Int. Symp. on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, ACASP/92, pp
377-382, Grenoble, France, July 1992.
- CP-133
L. Guo, L. Ljung and P. Priouret: Tracking performance analysis of
the forgetting factor RLS algorithm. In IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Tucson, AZ, December, 1992.
- CP-134
L. Ljung: Optimal and ad hoc adaptation mechanisms, In
ESSSE'92, Paris, France, September 1992.
- CP-135
L. Ljung: Modeling of industrial systems. In J. Komorowski and
Z.W. Ras editors, Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, pp 338-350,
Trondheim, Norway, 7th Int. Symp. ISMIS'93, Springer
Verlag, June 1993.
- CP-136
L. Ljung and J. Sjöberg: A system identification perspective
on neural nets. In S.Y. Kung, editor. IEEE Workshop on
Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ. IEEE Science Center,
September 1992.
- CP-137
L. Ljung, T. Glad and T. Andersson: Identifiability implies
robust identifiability, In J.W. Nieuwenhuis, C. Praggman and H.L.
Trentelman, editors, Proc. 2nd European Control Conference, pp
2144-2148, Groningen, Volume 4, July 1993.
- CP-138
J. Sjöberg, T. McKelvey and L. Ljung: On the use of
regularization in system identification. In Proc. 12 IFAC World Congress, pp 381-386, Sydney, Australia, Volume 7, July 1993.
- CP-139
M. Viberg, L. Ljung, B. Ottersten and B. Wahlberg: Performance
of subspace based state-space.
In Proc. 12 IFAC World Congress, p 369, Sydney, Australia, Volume 7, July 1993.
- CP-140
L. Ljung: The process of identification.
In Proc. 12 IFAC World Congress, IX-5, Sydney, Australia, July 1993.
- CP-141
L. Ljung: Identifiability of systems. Swedish-Italian
Meeting on Control, Stockholm, September, 1992, (Abstract only).
- CP-142
L. Ljung: Developments in System identification. The 1993 MATLAB Conference, Cambridige, Mass. (Abstract only), October 1993.
- CP-143
L. Ljung and H. Hjalmarsson: A discussion of ``unknown but
bounded'' disturbances in identification. Proc. 32nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX, pp 535, 1993.
- CP-144
T. Andersson, T. Glad and L. Ljung: Identifiability implies
robust identifiability. Proc. 32nd IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX, pp 567-569, 1993.
- CP-145
L. Ljung: Information contents in identification data from
closed loop operation. Proc. 32nd IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX , pp 2242-2247, 1993.
- CP-146
L. Ljung: Some results on identifying linear systems using
frequency domain data. Proc. 32nd IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, San Antonio, TX. , pp 567-569, 1993.
- CP-147
L. Ljung: From Data to Model: A Guided Tour,
CONTROL '94, IEE Conference on Control, March, 1994.
- CP-148
L. Ljung:
Building Models From Frequency Domain Data,
IMA Workshop on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1994.
- CP-149
T. Abrahamsson, T. McKelvey, and L. Ljung.
A study of some approaches to vibration data analysis.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 3, pages 289-294, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994.
- CP-150
H. Kaufman, S. Koch, and L. Ljung.
The EKF, RPEM and recursive maximum likelihood method in a simple
application to image restoration.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 3, pages 441-446, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994.
- CP-151
L. Ljung.
A graphical user interface (GUI) to the system identification
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 4, pages 29-33, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994.
- CP-151
H. Hjalmarsson and L. Ljung.
A unifying view of disturbances in identification.
In Proc. 10th IFAC symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 2, pages 73-78, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994.
- CP-153
T. Andersson, P. Pucar, and L. Ljung.
Identification aspects of inter-sample input behavior.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 3, pages 137-142, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994.
- CP-154
P. Lindskog and L. Ljung.
Tools for semi-physical modeling.
In Proc. of the 10th IFAC symposium on Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 3, pages 237-242, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994.
- CP-155
J. Sjöberg and L. Ljung.
Criterion minimization using estimation data and validation data.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 1, pages 187-190, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994.
- CP-156
J. Sjöberg, H. Hjalmarsson, and L. Ljung.
Neural networks in system identification.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 2, pages 49-72, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994.
Available by anonymous ftp
- CP-157
H. Akçay, H. Hjalmarsson, and L. Ljung.
On the choice of norms i system identification.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 2, pages 103-108, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994.
- CP-158
H. Hjalmarsson and L. Ljung.
A unifying view of disturbances in identification.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 2, pages 73-78, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994.
- CP-159
U. Zhu, P. van Overschee, B. De Moor, and L. Ljung.
Comparison of three classes of identification methods.
In Proc. 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
(SYSID'94), volume 1, pages 1.175-1.180, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994.
- CP-160
L. Ljung.
Aspects on accelerated convergence in stochastic approximation
In Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake
Buena Vista, Florida, pages 1649-1652, December 1994.
- CP-161
F. Gustafsson, S. Gunnarsson, and L. Ljung.
On time-frequency resolution of signal properties using parametric
In Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake
Buena Vista, Florida, pages 2259-2264, December 1994.
- CP-162
L. Guo and L. Ljung.
Performance analysis of general tracking algorithms.
In Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake
Buena Vista, Florida, pages 2851-2855, December 1994.
- CP-163
L. Guo and L. Ljung.
The role of model validation for assessing the size of the unmodeled
In Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake
Buena Vista, Florida, pages 3894-3899, December 1994.
- CP-164
L. Ljung.
Some aspects of non-linear black-box modeling in system
In Communications, Computing, Control and Signal Processing:
2000, pages 434 - 440, Stanford, CA, Kluwer Publishing Co, June 1995.
- CP-165
L. Ljung.
Non-linear black box models in systems identification.
In 2nd Russian Swedish Control Conference, pages 23-27, St.
Petersburg, Russia.
Plenary Presentation, August 1995.
- CP-166
L. Ljung and H. Hjalmarsson.
System identification through the eyes of model validation.
In Proc. Third European Control Conference, volume 3, Rome,
Italy, pp 949-954, September 1995.
- CP-167
T. McKelvey, L. Ljung, and H. Akçay.
Identification of infinite dimensional systems from frequency
response data.
In Proc. Third European Control Conference, volume 3, pages
2106-2111, Rome, Italy, September 1995.
- CP-168
L. Ljung.
Non-linear black box modeling in system identification.
In International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks,
Paris, France.
Plenary Presentation, October 1995.
- CP-169
L. Ljung and L. Guo.
Estimating the total model error from standard model validation
In Proc. 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New
Orleans, LA, pp 1651-1656, December 1995.
- CP-170
A. Tikku and L. Ljung.
Worst-case identification in l1 for f.i.r. linear systems.
In Proc. 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New
Orleans, LA, PP 2998-3003, December 1995.
- CP-171
L. Ljung.
Hybrid and discrete systems in automatic control - some new
(Linköping) approaches.
In Preprints, Reglermöte'96, Luleå.
Plenary Presentation, 1996.
- CP-172
L. Ljung.
Models in signal processing.
In Proc. Radiovetenskaplig Konferens, Luleå.
Plenary Presentation, June 1996.
- CP-173
L. Ljung.
Development of system identification.
In Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, volume G,
pages 141-146, San Francisco, California, July 1996.
- CP-174
L. Ljung and L. Guo.
Estimating the total error from standard model validation tests.
In Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, volume I,
pages 133-138, San Francisco, California, July 1996.
- CP-175
L. Ljung and T. McKelvey.
A least squares interpretation of sub-space methods for system
In Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages
335-342, Kobe, Japan, December 1996.
- CP-176
L. Ljung.
PAC-learning and asymptotic identification theory.
In Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe,
Japan, pp 2303-2307, December 1996.
- CP-177
A. Stenman, F. Gustafsson, and L. Ljung.
Just in time models for dynamical systems. In Proc. 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe,
Japan, pp 1115-1120, December 1996.
- CP-178
L. Ljung.
Non-linear black box models in system identification.
In Proc. IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes,
ADCHEM'97, pages 1-13, 1997.
Banff, Canada.
- CP-179
L. Ljung.
System identification.
In Signal Analysis and Prediction, pages 41-47, 1997.
Proceedings of the Conf. on Signal Analysis and Prediction, ECSAP-97,
- CP-180
U. Forssell and L. Ljung.
Tracking time-varying systems: Revisiting some basic trade-offs.
In Proceedings of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System
Identification, volume 4, pages 1759-1764, Fukuoka, Japan, 1997.
- CP-181
T. McKelvey and L. Ljung.
Frequency domain maximum likelihood identification.
In Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification,
volume 4, pages 1741-1746, Fukuoka, Japan, July 1997.
- CP-182
L. Ljung and T. McKelvey.
Interpretation of subspace methods: Consistency analysis.
In Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification,
volume 3, pages 1125-1130, Fukuoka, Japan, July 1997.
- CP-183
L. Ljung.
Identification in closed loop: some aspects on direct and indirect
In Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, volume 1, pages 141-147,
SYSID'97, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- CP-184
P. Lindskog and L. Ljung.
Ensuring certain physical properties in black box models by applying
fuzzy techniques.
In Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, volume 1, pages 721-727, 1997.
SYSID'97, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- CP-185
L. Ljung.
Developments for the system identification toolbox for MATLAB.
In Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, volume 1, pages 969-975, 1997.
SYSID'97, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- CP-186
M. Gevers, L. Ljung, and P. M. J. Van den Hof.
Asymptotic variance expressions for closed-loop identification and
their relevance in identification for control.
In Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, volume 1, pages 1449-1455, 1997.
SYSID'97, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- CP-187
D. E. Rivera, S. Adusumilli, A. Stenman, F. Gustafsson, T.
McKelvey, and L. Ljung.
"just-in-time" models for improved identification and control.
In American Inst. of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting
1997, 1997.
- CP-188
L. Ljung and U. Forssell. Variance Results for Closed-loop
Identification Methods. In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control , San Diego, CA, pp 2435-2440, December 1997.
- CP-189
N. Bergman and L. Ljung. Point-mass Filter and Cramer-Rao Bound
for Terrain-Aided Navigation. In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control , San Diego, CA, pp 565-570, December 1997.
- CP-190
L. Ljung. Identification, Model Validation and Control.
Plenary Presentation atThe 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ,San Diego, CA, December 1997.
- CP-191
L. Ljung. Identification for Control - What is There to Learn?
Proc. Workshop on Learning, Control and Hybrid Systems
Bangalore, India, January 1998.
- CP-192
L.Ljung and U. Forsell.
Bias, variance and optimal experiment design: Some comments on closed
loop identification.
In Proc. Colloquim on Control Problems in Honor of Prof. I.D.
Landau, Paris, June 1998. Springer Verlag.
- CP-193
U. Forssell and L. Ljung. Identification of unstable systems using
output error and Box-Jenkins model structuresProc. 37th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control ,pages 3932-3927, Tampa, FL, December 1998.
- CP-194
U. Forssell and L. Ljung. Identification for control: Some results on
optimal designProc. 37th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control ,pages 3384-3389, Tampa, FL,
December 1998.
- CP-195
- A. Hagenblad and L. Ljung. Maximum Likelihood Identification of Wiener models with a linear regression initializationProc. 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control pages --, Tampa, FL, December 1998.
- CP-196
L. Ljung. Identification, Model Validation and Control.
Plenary Presentation atThe 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ,San Diego, CA, December 1997.
- CP-197
- A. Bemporad, Jacob Roll, and Lennart Ljung.
Identification of hybrid systems via mixed-integer programming.
In Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, pp 786-792 Dec 2001. - CP-198
- Wolfgang Reinelt and Lennart Ljung.
Robust control of identified models with mixed parametric and non-parametric uncertainties.
In Proc. of the European Control Conference, pages 3564-3569, Porto, Portugal, Sep 2001. - CP-199
- Fredrik Tjärnström and Lennart Ljung.
Variance properties of a two-step arx estimation procedure.
In Proceedings of the European Control Conference, pages 1840-1845, Porto, Portugal, Sep 2001. - CP-200
- Torkel Glad, Anders Helmersson, and Lennart Ljung.
Uncertain lti-models for linear control design of nonlinear systems.
In Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Aug 2001. - CP-201
- D. A. Murano, A. S. Poznyak, and Lennart Ljung.
Robust high-gain DNN observer for nonlinear stochastic continuous time systems.
In Proc 40th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, Dec 2001. - CP-202
- Lennart Ljung.
Black-box models from input-output measurements.
In Proc. 18th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, pages 138 - 146, Budapest, May 2001. - CP-203
- Lennart Ljung.
Model error modeling and control design.
In Proc IFAC Symposium SYSID 2000., pages WeAM1-3, Santa Barbara, CA, Jun 2000. - CP-204
- Lennart Ljung.
Version 5 of the system identification toolbox for use with matlab - with object orientation.
In Proc IFAC Symposium SYSID 2000, pages ThPM5-5, Santa Barbara, Jun 2000. - CP-205
- Lennart Ljung.
Teaching system identification: Goals and format for different courses.
In PRoc IFAC Symposium, SYSID 2000, pages ThPM4-3, Santa Barbara, Jun 2000. - CP-206
- Fredrik Tjärnström and Lennart Ljung.
L2-model reduction and variance reduction.
In PRoc IFAC Symposium, SYSID 2000, pages FrAM2-5, Santa Barbara, Jun 2000. - CP-207
- Anna Hagenblad and Lennart Ljung.
Maximum likelihood estimation of Wiener models.
In Proc. 39:th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 2417-2418, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2000. - CP-208
- L. L. Xie and Lennart Ljung.
Aspects on the interpretation of disturbances in system identification.
In Proc of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, page 668, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2000. - CP-209
- R. Wallin, A. Isaksson, and Lennart Ljung.
An iterative method for identification of ARX models from incomplete data.
In Proc. 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, page 203, Sydney, Australia, Dec 2000. - CP-210
- Anders Stenman, Fredrik Gustafsson, D.E. Rivera, Lennart Ljung, and Tomas
On adaptive smoothing of empirical transfer function estimates.
In H.F. Chen and B. Wahlberg, editors, Preprints of the 14th World Congress of IFAC, Beijing, P. R. China, volume H, pages 415-420. Elsevier Science, Jul 1999. - CP-211
- Fredrik Tjärnström and Lennart Ljung.
Estimating the variance in case of undermodeling using bootstrap.
In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 2394-2399, Pheonix, Arizona, USA, Dec 1999. - CP-212
- P. Carrette and Lennart Ljung.
Efficient computation of cramer-rao bounds for the transfer functions of MIMO state-space systems.
In H. F. Chen, D. Z. Cheng, and J.F. Zhang, editors, 14th World Congress of IFAC, volume H, pages 247-252, Beijing, China, July 1999. - CP-213
- Lennart Ljung.
Estimation focus in system identification: Prefiltering, noise models, and prediction.
In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 1999. - CP-214
- Fredrik Tjärnström and Lennart Ljung.
Minimizing the variance of transfer function estimates.
In V.A. Yakubovich and A.L. Fradkov, editors, 6th Saint Petersburg Symposium on Adaptive Systems Theory, volume 1, pages 194-200, S:t Petersburg, Russia, Sept 1999. - CP-215
- Lennart Ljung.
Comments on model validation as set membership identification.
In A. Garulli, A. Tesi, and A. Vicino, editors, Robusteness in Identification and Control, volume 245 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, pages 7 -17, Berlin, Sept 1999. Springer Verlag. - CP-216
- Wolfgang Reinelt, A. Garulli, Lennart Ljung, J.H. Braslavsky, and A. Vicino.
Model error concepts in identification for control.
In Proc. of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 1488-1493, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Dec 1999. - CP-217
- Lennart Ljung.
Model validation and model error modeling.
In B. Wittenmark and A. Rantzer, editors, The Åström Symposiium on Control, pages 15 -42, Lund, Sweden, Aug 1999. Studentlitteratur. - CP-218
- A.V. Nazin and L. Ljung.
Asymptotically Optimal SMoothing of Averaged LMS for Regression.
In Proc 15th IFAC World Congress,Barcelona, July, 2002. - CP-219
- Lennart Ljung.
System Identification and Simple Process Models.
In Proc AdCONIP 02, Int. Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, pp 13-14, Mumamoto, Japan, June 2002. - CP-220
- L.L. Xie and L. Ljung.
Estimate Physical Parameters by Black Box Modeling.
In Proc. Chinese Control Conference, June 2002. - CP-221
- Martin Enqvist and Lennart Ljung.
Approximation of nonlinear systems in a neighborhood of lti systems. In Reglerm öte 2002, pages 289–291, May 2002. - CP-222
- S. J. Qin, Lennart Ljung, and J. Wang.
Subspace identification methods using parsimonious model formulation. In Proc AIChE Annual Meeting 2002, number Paper 255c, Indianapolis, IN, USA, November 2002. Abstract Only. - CP-223
- Martin Enqvist and Lennart Ljung.
Estimating nonlinear systems in a neighborhood of lti-approximants. In Proc. of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 1005–1010, Las Vegas, NV, December 2002. - CP-224
- Jacob Roll, A. Nazin, and Lennart Ljung.
A non-asymptotic approach to local modelling. In Proc. 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, December 2002. - CP-225
- Jacob Roll, A. Nazin, and Lennart Ljung.
A non-asymptotic approach to local modelling. In Fourth Conference on Computer Science and Systems Engineering in Link öping, pages 75–80, Norrköping, Sweden, October 2002. - CP-226
- Lennart Ljung.
Identification for control: Simple process model. In Proc. 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, December 2002. - CP-227
- David Lindgren and Lennart Ljung.
Clustered regression analysis. In Proc. of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 1838–1844, Las Vegas, NV, December 2002. - CP-228
- Markus Gerdin, Torkel Glad, and Lennart Ljung.
Parameter estimation in linear differential-algebraic equations. In Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1530–1535. IFAC, August 2003. - CP-229
- Martin Enqvist and Lennart Ljung.
Linear models of nonlinear FIR systems with Gaussian inputs. In Preprints of the 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1910–1915, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003. - CP-230
- Ingela Lind and Lennart Ljung.
Structure selection with ANOVA: Local linear models. In S. Weiland P. van der Hof, B. Wahlberg, editor, Proc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 51 – 56, Rotterdam, the Netherlands,, August 2003. - CP-231
- S.J. Qin and Lennart Ljung. Closed-loop subspace identification with innovation estimation. In S. Weiland P. van der Hof, B. Wahlberg, editor, Proc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 887–892, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003.
- CP-232
- Lennart Ljung.
Version 6 of the system identification toolbox. In S. Weiland P. van der Hof, B. Wahlberg, editor, Proc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 989 – 994, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, December 2003. - CP-233
- P. Parrilo and Lennart Ljung.
Initialization of physical parameter estimates. In S. Weiland P. van der Hof, B. Wahlberg, editor, Proc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1524 – 1529, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003. - CP-234
- Lennart Ljung.
Educational aspects of identification software user interfaces. In S. Weiland P. van der Hof, B. Wahlberg, editor, Proc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1590 –1594, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003. - CP-235
- S. J. Qin and Lennart Ljung.
Parallel QR implementation of subspace identification with parsimonious models. In S. Weiland P. van der Hof, B. Wahlberg, editor, Prc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System identification, pages 1631 – 1636, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003. - CP-236
- Lennart Ljung.
Aspects and experiences of user choices in subspace identification methods. In S .Weiland P. van der Hof, B. Wahlberg, editor, Proc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1802 – 1807, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003. - CP-237
- Lennart Ljung.
Initialisation aspects for subspace and output-error identification methods. In J. Maciejowski, editor, Proc. European Control Conference, ECC 03, Cambridge, UK, September 2003. - CP-238
- Jacob Roll, A. Nazin, and Lennart Ljung.
Local modelling with a priori known bounds using direct weight optimization. In European Control Conference, Cambridge, September 2003. - CP-239
- Jacob Roll, A. Nazin, and Lennart Ljung.
Local modelling of nonlinear dynamic systems using direct weight optimization. In 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1554–1559, Rotterdam, August 2003. - CP-240
- Svante Björklund and Lennart Ljung.
A review of time-delay estimation techniques. In 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Hyatt Regency Maui, Hawaii, USA Hyatt Regency Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 2003. - CP-241
- Lennart Ljung.
State of the art in linear system identification: Time and frequency domain methods. In Proceedings of th 2004 American Control Conference, page Paper WeM01.1, Boston, MA, July 2004. - CP-242
- Lennart Ljung.
Integrated frequency-time domain tools for system identification. In Proc of th 2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, July 2004. - CP-243
- Q. Zhang and Lennart Ljung.
Multiple steps prediction with nonlinear arx models. In Proc. NOLCOS 2004 - IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, September 2004. - CP-244
- A. Juditsky, A. Nazin, Jacob Roll, and Lennart Ljung.
Adaptive DWO estimator of a regression function. In Proc. NOLCOS 2004 - IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, September 2004. - CP-245
- Lennart Ljung, Q. Zhang, P. Lindskog, and A. Juditsky.
Modeling a non-linear electric circuit with black box and grey box models. In Proc. NOLCOS 2004 - IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, September 2004. - CP-246
- Martin Enqvist and Lennart Ljung.
LTI approximations of slightly nonlinear systems: Some intriguing examples. In Proc. NOLCOS 2004 - IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, September 2004. - CP-247
- David Lindgren and Lennart Ljung.
Nonlinear dynamics isolated by delaunay triangulation criteria. In Proc. of the 43st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2004. - CP-248
- J. Johansson, David Lindgren, M. Cooper, and Lennart Ljung.
Interactive analysis of time-varying systems using volume graphics. In Proc. of the 43st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2004. - CP-249
- Martin Enqvist and Lennart Ljung.
LTI approximations of slightly nonlinear systems: Some intriguing examples. In Reglerm öte 2004, May 2004. - CP-250
- W. Lin, S . J. Qin, and Lennart Ljung.
On consistency of closed-loop subspace identification with innovation estimation. In Proc. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, page Paper WeB11.2, Paradise Island, Bahamas, December 2004. - CP-251
- W Lin, S. J. Qin, and Lennart Ljung.
Comparison of subspace identification methods for systems operating in closed loop. In Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. - CP-252
- Torkel Glad, Anders Helmersson, Martin Enqvist, and Lennart Ljung.
Controllers for amplitude limited model error models. In Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. - CP-253
- Jonas Gillberg and Lennart Ljung.
Frequency-domain identification of continuous-time output error models from sampled data. In Proceedings of 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. - CP-254
- Jonas Gillberg and Lennart Ljung.
Frequency-domain identification of continuous-time arma models from sampled data. In Proceedings of 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. - CP-255
- J. Johansson, David Lindgren, M. Cooper, and Lennart Ljung.
Interactive visualization as a tool for analysing time-varying and non-linear systems. In P. Zitek, editor, Proc 16th IFAC World Congress, pages Tu–E03–Tp/8, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. - CP-256
- David Lindgren and Lennart Ljung.
Nonlinear dynamics identified by multi-index models. In P. Zitek, editor, Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, pages Mo–M01–T0/4, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. - CP-257
- Markus Gerdin, Torkel Glad, and Lennart Ljung.
Well-posedness of filtering problems for stochastic linear DAE models. In Proc 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 350–355, Seville, Spain, December 2005. - CP-258
- Jacob Roll, A. Nazin, and Lennart Ljung.
A general direct weight optimization framework for nonlinear system identification. In 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, pages Mo–M01–TO/1, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005. - CP-259
- Jacob Roll, Martin Enqvist, and Lennart Ljung.
Consistent nonparametric estimation of NARX systems using convex optimization. In CDC-ECC 2005, pages 3129–3134, Seville, Spain, December 2005. - CP-260
- Jacob Roll, Ingela Lind, and Lennart Ljung.
Connections between optimisation-based regressor selection and analysis of variance. In Reglerm öte 2006, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006. - CP-261
- Jacob Roll, Ingela Lind, and Lennart Ljung.
Connections between optimisation-based regressor selection and analysis of variance. In 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, December 2006. - CP-262
- A. Nazin, Jacob Roll, and Lennart Ljung.
Direct weight optimization for approximately linear functions: Optimality and design. In 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcastle, Australia, March 2006. - CP-263
- Lennart Ljung.
Identification of nonlinear systems. plenary paper. In Proc. 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2006., Singapore, December 2006. - CP-264
- Lennart Ljung.
Some aspects on nonlinear system identification. In Proc 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcastle, Australia, March 2006. - CP-265
- Lennart Ljung, Q. Zhang, P. Lindskog, A. Iouditski, and R. Singh.
An integrated system identification toolbox for linear and non-linear models. In Proc. 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcaste, Australia, March 2006. - CP-266
- Jonas Gillberg and Lennart Ljung.
Frequency-domain identification of continuous-time output error models from non-uniformly sampled data. In Proc. IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID06, Necastle, Australia, March 2006. - CP-267
- Q. Zhang, A. Iouditski, and Lennart Ljung.
Identification of Wiener system with monotonous nonlinearity. In Proc. IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 06, Newcastle, Australia, March 2006. - CP-268
- Xiao-Li Hu, Thomas Schön, and Lennart Ljung.
A basic convergence result for particle filtering. In Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Pretoria, South Africa, August 2007. - CP-269
- A. V. Nazin, Jacob Roll, and Lennart Ljung.
Direct weight optimization in nonlinear function estimation and system identification. In The Sixth International Conference on System Identification and Control Problems (SICPRO’07), Moscow, Russia, January 2007. Plenary Session. - CP-270
- Henrik Ohlsson, Jacob Roll, Torkel Glad, and Lennart Ljung.
Using manifold learning for nonlinear system identification. In Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Pretoria, South Africa, August 2007. - CP-271
- Xiao-Li Hu, Thomas Schön, and Lennart Ljung.
A robust particle filter for state estimation – with convergence results. In Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), New Orleans, USA, December 2007. - CP-272
- >A. V. Nazin, Jacob Roll, Lennart Ljung, and I. Grama.
Direct weight optimization in statistical estimation and system identification. In The Seventh International Conference on System Identification and Control Problems (SICPRO’08), January 2008. - CP-273
- Henrik Ohlsson, Jacob Roll, A. Brun, H. Knutsson, M. Andersson,
and Lennart Ljung.
Direct weight optimization applied to discontinuous functions. In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2008. - CP-274
- Henrik Ohlsson, Jacob Roll, and Lennart Ljung.
Manifold-constrained regressors in system identification. In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2008. - CP-275
- Svante Gunnarsson, Lennart Ljung, L. Nielsen, and
Inger Erlander Klein.
Framstående utbildningsmiljö - hur blir man det? In Ingenj örsutbildningarnas Utvecklingskonferens, Stockholm , Sweden, December 2008. - CP-276
- Lennart Ljung and A Wills.
Issues in sampling and estimating continuous-time models with stochastic disturbances. In Proc. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. - CP-277
- Anna Hagenblad, Lennart Ljung, and A. Wills.
Maximum likelihood identification of Wiener models. In Proc. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. - CP-278
- X. L. Hu and Lennart Ljung.
New convergence results for the least squares identification algorithm. In Proc. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. - CP-279
- Lennart Ljung.
Perspectives on system identification. In Proc. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 2008. (Plenary session). - CP-280
- Christian Lyzell, Jacob Roll, and Lennart Ljung.
The use of nonnegative garrote for order selection of arx models. In Proceedings of the 47th Conference on Decision and Control, pages 1974–1979, December 2008. - CP-281
- Henrik Ohlsson, Jacob Roll, and Lennart Ljung.
Manifold-constrained regressors in system identification. In Proceedings of Reglerm öte 2008, Luleå, Sweden, April 2008. - CP-282
- Christian Lyzell, Martin Enqvist, and Lennart Ljung.
Handling certain structure information in subspace identification. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, April 2009. - CP-283
- Christian Lyzell, Torkel Glad, Martin Enqvist, and Lennart Ljung.
Identification aspects of Ritt’s algorithm for discrete-time systems. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, April 2009. - CP-284
- Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung.
Gray-box identification for high-dimensional manifold constrained regression. In 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2009, July 2009. - CP-285
- J. Schoukens, J. Suykens, and Lennart Ljung.
Wiener-Hammerstein benchmark. In Proc. 15 IFAC Symposium on System Identification, S:t Malo, France, July 2009. - CP-286
- J. Wang, Q. Zhang, and Lennart Ljung.
Optimality analysis of the two stage algorithm hammerstein system identification. In Proc. 15 IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Saint-Malo, France, July 2009. - CP-287
- A. Juditsky, Lennart Ljung, A. V. Nazin, and A. Nemirovski.
Minimax confidence intervals for pointwise nonparametric regression estimation. In Proc. 15 IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Saint-Malo, France, July 2009. - CP-288
- Lennart Ljung.
Experiments with identification of continuous time models. In Proc. 15 IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Saint-Malo. France, May 2009. - CP-289
- Lennart Ljung, R. Singh, Q. Zhang, P. Lindskog, and A. Juditski.
Developments in Mathworks system identification toolbox. In Proc. 15 IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Saint- Malo, July 2009. - CP-290
- Henrik Ohlsson, M. Bauwens, and Lennart Ljung.
On manifolds, climate reconstruction and bivalve shells. In 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2009. - CP-291
- Roger Larsson, Zoran Sjanic, Martin Enqvist, and Lennart Ljung.
Direct prediction-error identification of unstable nonlinear systems applied to flight test data. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 144–149, Saint-Malo, France, July 2009. - CP-292
- Alf Isaksson, David Törnqvist, Johan Sjöberg, and Lennart Ljung.
Grey-box identification based on horizon estimation and nonlinear optimization. In 41st ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems theory and its applications (SSS’09), pages 1–6, Konan University, Kobe, Japan, November 2009. - CP-293
- Lennart Ljung.
Approaches to identification of nonlinear systems. In Proc. 29th Chinese Control Conference, Beijing, China, July 2010. - CP-294
- Tianshi Chen, Thomas Schön, Henrik Ohlsson, and Lennart Ljung.
Decentralization of particle filters using arbitrary state decomposition. In Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, pages 7383–7388, Atlanta, United States, December 2010. - CP-295
- Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung, and S. Boyd.
State smoothing by sum-of-norms regularization. In 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2010. - CP-296
- Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung, and S. Boyd.
Trajectory generation using sum-of-norms regularization. In 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2010. - CP-297
- Tianshi Chen, Henrik Ohlsson, and Lennart Ljung.
On the estimation of transfer functions, regularizations and gaussian processes ? revisited. In NA, editor, Proc. IFAC World Congress, volume NA, page NA, Milan, Italy, August 2011. - CP-298
- Fredrik Lindsten, Henrik Ohlsson, and Lennart Ljung.
Clustering using sum-of-norms regularization; with application to particle filter output computation. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), pages 201–204, June 2011. - CP-299
- A Wills, Thomas Schön, Lennart Ljung, and B Ninness.
Blind identification of Wiener models. In S. Bittanti, editor, Proc 15th IFAC World Congress,, Milan, Italy, August 2011. - CP-300
- T Falck, Henrik Ohlsson, Lennart Ljung, J.A.K. Suykens, and
B De Moor.
Segmentation of time series from nonlinear dynamical systems. In S. Bittanti, editor, Proc 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, August 2011. - CP-301
- Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung.
Identification of piecewise afffine systems using sum-of-norms regularization. In S. Bittanti, editor, Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, August 2011. - CP-302
- >Tianshi Chen, Henrik Ohlsson, G Goodwin, and Lennart Ljung.
Kernel selection in linear system identification. part II: A classical perspective. In Proc 50th Conference on Decision and Control, Orlanda, FL, USA, December 2011. - CP-303
- Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung.
A convex approach to subspace clustering. In Proc 50th Conference on Decision and Control, Orlanda, FL, USA, December 2011. - CP-304
- D. S. Carracsco, Lennart Ljung, G. C. Goodwin, and J. C. Aguero.
On the accurcy of parameter estimation for continuous time nonlinear systems from sampled data. In Proc 50th Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, USA, December 2011. - CP-305
- Lennart Ljung and R Singh.
Version 8 of the system identification toolbox. In R. Pintelon, editor, Proc 16th IFAC Sympsium on SYSID, Brussels, July 2012. - CP-306
- Tianshi Chen, Y Zhao, and Lennart Ljung. Impulse response estimation with binary measurements: a regularized FIR model. In R. Pintelon, editor, Proc 16th IFAC Sympsium on SYSID, Brussels, August 2012.
- CP-307
- Henrik Ohlsson, Tianshi Chen, Sina Khoshfetrat Pakazad, Lennart
Ljung, and S. S. Sastry.
Distributed change detection. In R. Pintelon, editor, Proc 16th IFAC Sympsium on SYSID, Brussels, August 2012.

Professor of the Chair of Automatic Control
- Phone:
- +46 13 281310
- Mobile (private):
- +46 708 281310
- E-mail:
- ljung_at_isy.liu.se
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:542 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
- Google Scholar:
- Google Citations
Informationsansvarig: Lennart Ljung
Senast uppdaterad: 2012-10-18