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The following publications were found in Vehicular Systems publication database.

Journal Papers

[Fors et al., 2021]
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Predictive Force-Centric Emergency Collision Avoidance.
Victor Fors, Pavel Anistratov, Björn Olofsson, and Lars Nielsen (2021).
In: ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 143(8):081005.
[Fors et al., 2020]
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Autonomous Wary Collision Avoidance.
Victor Fors, Björn Olofsson, and Lars Nielsen (2020).
In: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 6(2):353--365.
[Fors et al., 2020]
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Attainable force volumes of optimal autonomous at-the-limit vehicle manoeuvres.
Victor Fors, Björn Olofsson, and Lars Nielsen (2020).
In: Vehicle System Dynamics, 58(7):1101--1122.
[Fors et al., 2019]
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Formulation and interpretation of optimal braking and steering patterns towards autonomous safety-critical manoeuvres.
Victor Fors, Björn Olofsson, and Lars Nielsen (2019).
In: Vehicle System Dynamics, 57(8):1206--1223.

Conference Papers

[Fors et al., 2019]
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Real-Time Minimum-Time Lane Change Using the Modified Hamiltonian Algorithm.
Victor Fors, Yangyan Gao, Björn Olofsson, Timothy Gordon, and Lars Nielsen (2019).
In: The IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks. Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1457--1465.
[Fors et al., 2019]
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Yaw-Moment Control At-the-Limit of Friction Using Individual Front-Wheel Steering and Four-Wheel Braking.
Victor Fors, Björn Olofsson, and Lars Nielsen (2019).
In: 9th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control. Volume 525. Orléans, France, pp. 458--464.
[Fors et al., 2018]
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Slip-Angle Feedback Control for Autonomous Safety-Critical Maneuvers At-the-Limit of Friction.
Victor Fors, Björn Olofsson, and Lars Nielsen (2018).
In: 14th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control. Beijing, China.
[Fors et al., 2017]
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Formulation and Interpretation of Optimal Braking Patterns in Autonomous Lane-Keeping Maneuvers.
Victor Fors, Björn Olofsson, and Lars Nielsen (2017).
In: 2nd IAVSD Workshop on Dynamics of Road Vehicles. Berlin, Germany.

Doctoral Thesis

[Fors, 2020]
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Autonomous Vehicle Maneuvering at the Limit of Friction.
Victor Fors (2020).
PhD thesis, No. 2102, Linköping University.

Licentiate Thesis

[Fors, 2018]
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Optimal Braking Patterns and Forces in Autonomous Safety-Critical Maneuvers.
Victor Fors (2018).
Lic thesis, Linköping University.
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Contact information

Victor Fors
Ph.D. student

Vehicular Systems
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Linköping University
S-581 83 Linköping

Phone: +46 (0)13 - 28 2648
E-mail: victor.fors@liu.se
Fax: +46 (0)13 - 28 2035

Office: L-building, first floor, room 111b

Page responsible: Victor Fors
Last updated: 2018-05-14