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Niklas Wahlström: Graduate Courses

Niklas Wahlström has completed, or is participating in, the following graduate courses:

Year/Semester Course name Credits Status

2009 Spring Sensor Fusion 9+3 Completed
2010 Fall Linear Systems 9 Completed
2010 Fall Target Tracking 6 Completed
2011 Spring Machine Learning 8+3 Completed
2011 Spring Advanced Topics in Detection and Estimation Theory 5 Completed
2011 Summer Numerical Methods for Embedded Optimization and Optimal Control 2 Completed
2011 Summer Topics in Convex Optimization 2 Completed
2011 Fall Non-linear Systems 9 Completed
2011 Fall Universitetspedagogik, steg 1 6 Completed
2012 Spring System Identification 12 Completed
2012 Summer Numerics for Filtering and Identification 6 Completed
2012 Fall Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice 7.5 Completed
2013 Spring Robust Multivariable Control 9 Completed
2013 Summer Gaussian Process Summer School 1.5 Completed
2013 Summer Networked Control and Multi-Agent Systems 3 Completed
2013/14 winter Robotics Modeling and Control 6 Completed
2013/14 Fall Scientific methods and research practice 6 Completed
2014 Fall Popular scientific communication 6 Completed
2015 spring Networked Dynamical Systems: models and applications 3 Completed

Completed 120
Ongoing 0
Planned 0

Total sum 120

120 points are required to complete the Ph.D. degree.

Niklas Wahlström

Doktorand i reglerteknik

niklas.wahlstrom (at) liu.se

Informationsansvarig: Niklas Wahlström
Senast uppdaterad: 2015-06-24